Friday, October 15, 2010


In June, I spotted this petite fille, with her maman ( papa?) near the Stravinsky Fountain.  Très mignon!

Well she's done it again.  Ma chère amie, Shell Sherree has honored me by selecting yet another of my photographs as the inspriration for one of her delightful watercolors.  Merci chère Shelle.


Anonymous said...

Papa rather than Mama, judging by the stubble on his face.

But then again, it is Paris?

All the best


cocoa and coconut said...

En définitive c'est papa!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

She is precious and seems like an angel placed in an everyday location. Nice photo with texture and shadows.

M said...

Tres mignon! Definitely a papa. Lovely photo and great in B&W! Congrats on inspiring Shelle in her delightful art. Bon weekend!

Shell Sherree said...

Oui, SO cute! The black and white is gorgeous with this, V! And I'm chuffed as always that you like the illustration. Your photo made for stunning inspiration ~ merci, chère Virginia.

Virginia said...

Oui, I think Keith is right but the shirt fooled me . He's right, it is Paris after all!

Julie said...

Not easy to tell sometimes, and yet I would have it no other way.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Simple and nice street photography.
Have a beautiful weekend, my friend.

TheChieftess said...

Sweet image...definitely Papa!!

Starman said...

Definitely Papa, but of course, one sees a lot of that in Europe.

Alexa said...

Papa—wearing la chemise de maman. La petite Parisienne is mignonne indeed! Love all the texture in this shot, V.

Paris Paul said...

Very Metrosexual in any case! And adorable as well.

Daryl said...

So sweet