I hope I never, ever tire at the sight of her. There she stands, so gracefully towering over all of Paris. From almost any place in the city, you can catch a glimpse of her. I'll admit I'm feeling a little nostalgic today. My friend
Chieftess, who is a faithful visitor on both of my blogs, recently spent a few days in my beloved Paris. I stopped by her blog yesterday and took a little trip back via her photographs. Before she went, she kindly asked me to give them a few special places to see. *La tour Eiffel was of course on my list. Touristy you say? Of course, and well she should be. I will never forget the first time I stood at the base and looked up . My first thought, after I caught my breath, was that she was much bigger/taller/grander than I could have ever imagined. Yes, it's always crowded ( unless you choose a day when it's freezing cold and pouring rain ) but go. Go and take as many photos as your heart desires. I have enough to fill a book. What a novel idea...... a photo book of la tour Eiffel! :)
Now, it's time to share some very delicious news. I will be returning to Paris on January 7th with my Paris loving amie Mary from Cincinnati and her college roommate. We'll stay a week, and I hope to blog from there. I've told Peter ( you remember
Peter, the most patient man in Paris. I do hope I'm not pushing my luck! ) my number one "must do" is a night shoot at the Eiffel Tower! I can hardly wait, but you knew that didn't you?
Today, another photo from a very special evening in Paris.....
Bastille Day and the fabulous fireworks.
Snow fell on Paris recently. My friend, American photographer Meredith Mullins, captured it beautifully, as only she can do.
Richard Nahem's
Eye Prefer Paris blog featured some of her marvelous photographs. Perhaps la neige will visit again pour moi.
Last summer I was pleased to meet author Jill Jonnes and hear her speak about her newest book Eiffel's Tower. You'll want to buy this one!