This man was sitting outside the entrance of the beautiful Église Saint-Germain-des-Pres, quietly reading as he waited for a euro or two in his cup. I don't wish to pass judgement here. I've not been in this position...I'm blessed.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Waiting for a Euro
This man was sitting outside the entrance of the beautiful Église Saint-Germain-des-Pres, quietly reading as he waited for a euro or two in his cup. I don't wish to pass judgement here. I've not been in this position...I'm blessed.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Les Chaises - Paris Rouge XXII
Can you believe it? This is Paris Rouge No. XXII. I have lost count on the Table/Chairs Series by now. Well, just enjoy this delightful setting I found in January in the Marais, of course!
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Quiet Corner of Paris
Most visitors to Notre Dame gather in the plaza in front the church. Last June, as Meredith Mullins and I strolled the Seine in search of sunset photos, we stopped here behind the cathedral. This quiet little park is delightful. Earlier that week I photographed the roses right here when I visited the gardens with my daughter and grandchildren. Late in the day, Meredith and I found it deserted and quite peaceful. ( Maybe because it was closed? )
Meredith Mullins,
Notre Dame,
park behind Notre Dame
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pont de Mirabeau
Today a few photos that make me smile. 14 Juillet, I spent on the Pont de Grenelle, but we passed the Pont de Mirabeau on our way there. Peter and I staked our claim on this bridge in great anticipation of the fabulous fireworks to come at the Eiffel Tower in celebration of Bastille Day! We waited for quite a while in order to keep our front row seats. It was well worth the wait as you've seen here and here.
Well today, our friend Louis is hosting the first in his new Serie du Pont de Dimanche. I don't have many left, but I did have this one that I've not shared. I thought I'd also post the Statue of Liberty, found on the Pont de Grenelle. She is 3 years younger than "our" Lady Liberty. The plaque that commemorates these events reads: IV Juillet 1776 and XIV Julliet 1789 ( the storming of the Bastille). I think Peter picked the perfect spot for us to celebrate Bastille Day!
UPDATE: Merci to my Paris expert Peter, who kindly emailed and helped me get this all straight. The bridge above is the Pont de Mirabeau. The bottom photo is the Pont de Grenelle where we watched the fireworks! I guess this should count as two bridge posts in one! Sorry for the confusion but you should be use to it by now! :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Musique Dans Les Rues IV - The Bass Player
The bass player is the last of this series. I hope you've enjoyed it.
I am pleased to introduce my Francophile readers to a new blog that I've recently found. Keith Eckstein, my new best friend in France, at A Taste of Garlic has a delightful blog and has recently reviewed PTML! I am very flattered Keith. Thank you for your kind words and hilarious review of my blog! I'm amazed to learn that you found my blog "seriously seductive! " Well, how about that!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Musique Dans Les Rues III - la Danseuse
Of all the interesting people I've photographed in France, this lady has to be one of the most intriguing. She seemed to dance in her own "world" for lack of a better description. Often she closed her eyes and just seemed to let the music move her. She seemd rather oblivious to the spectators and even the band members. Another "Paris moment" I'll always remember.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Musique Dans Les Rues II - A Little More Sax in Paris!
Today the second part of our series. As I've said before, you just can't have too much sax in Paris. I've proved it here and here. Today even more. Ohh la la!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Musique Dans Les Rues - The Singer
Today the leader who played the trumpet and sang as well. I polled my trusty companions and they all agreed that he was probably an American ex-pat. He looked and sounded like he'd spent many nights in some very smoky bars! I loved the cup he used to mute his horn.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Cimitière Père-Lachaise

Today's photo of the lovely Cimitière Père-Lachaise is dedicated to my Cincinnati ami Phil Nuxhall. Phil is the curator of the beautiful and well known Spring Grove Cemetery there, and he's written a new book- Beauty In the Grove: Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum. Unfortunately we didn't have Phil along on the day we visited Père Lachaise , but we had the next best thing, Mary Gilbert! Mary's a docent at Spring Grove and is quite the authority on Parisian cemeteries as well. She gave us a wonderful tour. Merci mon amie!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sweet Treat
I have a very good reason for sharing this not so great photograph of this patisserie window with you today. Last week I received a lovely email from Susan Hochbaum, a new follower of this blog. Susan is not only a lover of Paris, and Paris pastries, she is also a talented photographer and one creative lady! She was kind enough to send along the link to a little movie she's made. You will thank me for this one! She will return to Paris in April for more photographs as she has signed a book deal. Susan, let us all know when your book comes out. I think we will ALL want one!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Eiffel Tower! Eiffel Tower! Eiffel Tower!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Paris Rouge XX - la Voiture Rouge
Bienvenue á V's Fantasy World: IF I could live in Paris, and IF I could have a car there, I'd have a cute red Fiat with an orange license plate just like this one! :)
Paris cars,
Paris Rouge XX,
red car in Paris
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Musée Rodin not only has a fine collection of Auguste Rodin's sculpture, but also features some lovely work by Camille Claudel, his student, the model for many of his pieces, and his lover. Many will argue that her talent rivaled Rodin's. From the source that I used, I will attribute this piece to her. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please let me know. It would be interesting to know if this is a model or an unfinished piece. Perhaps one of you, dear readers with more patience for Google than I, will enlighten us! I liked the afternoon shadows on her face.
If you are visiting Paris and want a museum recommendation, this is one of my most favorites. It's a small, intimate museum in the former Hôtel Biron. The grounds are lovely as well. In fine weather, you can have a nice lunch at the cafe on the grounds. Search this blog for other posts- there are many!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Un Après-Midi Sur La Seine
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Bistrot Victoires- 100 French Strangers Challenge
French Stranger #60
Since writing this text, I might add that we also dined here our first night in Paris last January! Peter joined us and we had a nice dinner and got to see this charming waitress again as well. Jet lag and wine provided many laughs that night!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Les Chaises - Palais Royal
I've had a fascination for these chairs you find in many parks in Paris. They are so condusive to sitting, reading, napping? I'd love four for my patio back home!
Today I again join the Monochrome Weekend group of great photographers. Have a look here.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Paris Rouge XIX- Packed and Ready to Go!
You read my mind didn't you! Oui, I'd love to be traveling to Paris with one of these fabulous valises from Merci ....TOMORROW!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Déjeuner á la Bourgogne
Thursday, March 11, 2010
La Tour Eiffel - The Tenin Technique
Today City Daily Photobloggers around the world are helping Eric Tenin celebrate the 5th birthday of his Paris Daily Photo blog. As a result of Eric's inspiration, City Daily Photo was born and now hundreds of bloggers around the world post a photograph of their city each day. Eric gets all the credit for inspiring me to start my Birmingham blog and the rest is history! Eric is known for shooting at wacky angles or from ground level. Since I'm featuring another tower on my BADP today, I decided to salute him on this blog as well with le Tour j'adore! Joyeux Anniversaire Eric!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Alexis, one of the most gorgeous shops in the Marais, was closed the last time I passed by. After I took this photograph here, I crossed the street, pressed my camera against the window and drew a breath. Just look!
Paris at Night,
shops in Paris,
shops in the Marais
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Coucher de Soleil - Votre Choix
Monday, March 8, 2010
I Say Macaron, You Say Macaroon
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Dimanche á Paris

Taken at The American Cathedral in Paris
I'm joining Aileni's Monochrome Weekly group today. Click here to see the other wonderful participants.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
le Coeur - Cimetière Père-Lachaise
The photo opportunities at the wonderful Cimetiere du Père-Lachaise are endless. Today a lovely little sign hanging from a mausoleum.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Shooting Birds in Paris

Spring is on its way, and I think you will soon be tired of Paris snow photos. Today a photo that still makes me smile. As we crossed through the gardens of the Palais Royal late that afternoon, this group was intent on capturing this bird, pigeon? I had more fun photographing the photographers!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Paris From Above
As promised, photographs from the rooftop café at Printemps. Above the lovely Église de la Madeleine . I love the chimney pots and the allée of trees leading up to the church.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
C'est Paris!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
le Brouillard - Montmartre

At the time, the cold, damp, foggy day didn't thrill us as we strained to see the city of Paris laid out before us from the Sacre Coeur's spectacular vantage point. Then again, it made for some nice photographs that day.
fog in Paris,
steps in Paris,
steps Montmartre
Monday, March 1, 2010
Fashion Extra - l'echarpe de Paris!

OK you men can go get a snack or something. The girls and I need to chat about the long awaited scarf. I'm not sure fashion photography is a path I need to follow, but you can get an idea here. The best part? I didn't lay down a pile of Euros at Bon Marché. NON, I bought this is at a little shop on rue Mouffetard for 20 Euros or less, and I could have bought about 10 more! When I put it on , I looked at my friend Mary G. and said, "C'est moi!" I think it might be the single item in my closet that makes me feel chic, girly, flirty, sexy .......all rolled into one. I'd say it was Euros well spent.
( The color is a yummy raspberry color with dots of a goldish green. I don't think the photo color is just right)
Hanging Around the Paris Flea Market
Last summer when I visited the Paris Flea Market, I think maybe I was a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of booths and lovely offerings. In looking back over my photographs I found this one. I took one look and asked myself, "WHY didn't you buy one of those gorgeous laces scarves? What were you thinking??" Well I'm home now and I want one. Here's my solution. The next one of you to get there, would you please buy me one? ( We may need to talk reasonable number of euros however! ) Mon amie Harriet may be the first one since she's going for a nice long visit in April!
Update: My dear reader Louciao suggested this Edith Piaf song to accompany this post today.
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