Spring is on its way, and I think you will soon be tired of Paris snow photos. Today a photo that still makes me smile. As we crossed through the gardens of the Palais Royal late that afternoon, this group was intent on capturing this bird, pigeon? I had more fun photographing the photographers!
I never get tired of any Paris pictures. Especially not these. You were standing right in front of the apartment where we stay in Paris. We open the door and there we are. It would be cool if those photographers were bloggers and saw your pictures. :)
That kind of bird shooting is quite OK with me. :) And I love your candid pics of the shooters, V ~ fun!
Great photos, looks funny how they laugh about their pictures...
Love both. Gorgeous shot of the girl in the second photo.
hee hee
When «Louis» read the title, before looking at the photo, he thought someone had taken a shotgun to the annoying Parisian pigeons...
ah pigeons .. so very photogenic .. not..
Drat, I thought you meant for real, aussi.
So purposeful..I hope the birds put on their best for them:)
I like pigeons but many people don’t because they hurt monuments with all their droppings. People feed them so they are not scared. Have you seen how many there are around Notre Dame? I guess you can tell people don’t eat them like in North Africa (Bastila from Morocco.)
These lucky bird shooters found one who was just too cold to fly away. Or maybe if you're lucky enough to reside in the Palais Royal, you stay put! You captured the whole scene brilliantly, Virginia.
What a wonderful place to stay in Paris. As you know, the Palais Royal feels like home to me.
I agree that the Paris pigeons have become a nuisance in places around the city. Sad.
@ Vagabonde - You're wrong. Pigeon appears on many menus in Paris and around France in general.
There are always photo-ops at just about any moment.
Starman – I stand corrected. I had not seen them on the menu, but then I went to Paris when the dollar was so weak – I did not eat in too many nice restaurants! Plus my cousin is a gourmet cook, so I eat her cuisine.
i love French cuisine, but pigeon will NOT be on my plate!
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