Once in a lifetime. That's how I feel about my evening spent with American photographer/writer
Meredith Mullins. I fell in love with
IN A PARIS MOMENT a few years ago and have followed her since. Her name might sound familiar. Check my sidebar. Long story short, I heard she was now living in Paris and teaching, so I contacted her before I came. We met for the first time last night, but I felt like I'd known her forever. We laughed at the similar photos we've taken and when we hit the streets at Ile St. Louis, her Parisian neighborhood, many times we both saw a "shot" and eyed each other. I learned so much from her last night. I hope if I 'm ever lucky enough to return to Paris, we can work together again. I'm certain we'll stay in touch.

Notre Dame at night
Sounds like you had a great time, what an experience.
When we have our world CDP bloggers conference she could give an illustrated talk. If you could just get the conference organised and I'll spread the word!! Lol :)
Oh V, I don't know how you do it! Your pictures are scrumptious. My mouth is watering for the food, my heart is breaking to be in Paris, and my feet hurt! I've got to get some rest.
Awfully good night shots, tight and sharp. You got the technique stuff down.
How wonderful to meet someone you really admire!
Those photos are beautiful.
Wow - these just get better and better.
I love those stairs.
Great shots as usual. It must have been nice spending time with someone you admire so much!
You always said you were not good at night shots! So, feel happy now, I presume?
Marley, now that sounds like some serious fun. Hundreds of bloggers elbowing each other out of the way for the next best shot!HA
Oh you're not off hook for a night shoot. I hope it's as much fun the last one we did together and hopefully my photos will be better than last time!
Petrea, I'm glad you are enjoying my adventures and photos.
I was hoping you'd like those stairs!! They reminded me of your subject matter the moment I spotted the light on them.
Stairway to the Quay, that's the one. That light is not easy to capture but of course in Paris you are a photographer see. Meredith sounds like a woman to crack open many a bottle with. Bloggers conference? I dread to think what I'd be like!
The motorbikes are here, so I'm not basically. Will check in when can. The darlings pay more than pay my bills so I'd best get snapping.
Great photo at the top.. and the others, but the one at the top really caught my eye... I love the solitude of it and the packets and little around him...
Isn't it a blessing to meet inspirational people? I'm glad your stay in Paris continues to be so wonderful. My personal preference goes to your photo of Notre Dame at night, although the Conciergerie at dusk is beautiful too.
Hey Virginia!!
You know, when I started reading this post I clicked on your Meredith's photos link and was thinking how incredibly similar your style was to hers. Then I read the rest of the post and thought "of course V knows it!"
I am so happy you had the chance to spend time with someone you so admire... You are an inspiration to me just as she is to you... I am bubbling, feeling what you must have felt being with her and experiencing the same "shot thoughts". Magic, Wonder, Joy!!
I have only experienced this sort of meeting in dreams, and what a wonderful dream it must have been for you, floating on air in Paris...
Mind popping and life changing...
Wow! What great photos. I can't wait to come to Paris and hang out with you.
What a thrill to meet a hero.
To meet and hang out with a hero - how cool is that?! Obviously, you're enjoying your stay. You are coming home right? Or have you found a flat on the Left Bank?
Thanks for introducing her. I went on her website and enjoy her work a lot.
By the way I see that continue enjoying your stay and I'm glad you have a nice weather.
Be carefull with the pain au chocolat overdose !
Virginia, As the saying goes, I'd kill for that Stairway to the Quay shot.
I am drooling over both the header shot and the quay .. oh la la .. wonderful, Virginia, simply wonderful
Thanks everyone. I hope you ALL go out and buy Meredith's book. Wonderful photographs and text as well.
Remember I had Meredith at my elbow that night.
Thank you all for you wonderful comments and for going on this wonderful holiday with me!
Love this post. You obviously had such a great time and thanks for sharing it. I love your night photographs here, Virginia and what a lovely lady is Meredith Mullins. I will look out for her book.
I love your night shots. What kind of camera do you use? Mine never seem to come out.
like the top photo and the sitter's relation to the surrounding trash..
Starman, I have a Canon Rebel. The trick is to have Meredith at your elbow, trust me!!
KM, I was thrilled to get him. Loved the bottle!!
Ohhhhh, your blog is fantastic!!
Regards from Agneta & Sweden
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