Petit déjeuner ( L-R, a DELICIOUS baguette, brie, pain au chocolat, escargot (snail shaped pastry) with chocolat)
Many of you have asked about what we've been eating. Today we visited the patisserie on the corner for the first time. We've seen patrons lined up outside waiting so we decided it must be worth checking into. Oh my.... see for yourself.

( Jambon avec fromage on sesame bread, jambon avec fromage on baguette, poulet on poppy seed bread)

This is a fennel, tomato, and shallot salad Chef Melissa made to go with our spaghetti tonight. We ate the rest too fast to photograph.
( Yes, we know that spaghetti isn't French, but we have two kiddos to feed you know.)
I'm raiding the fridge immediately for some fromage and pretend I'm in Paris. Unfortunately, no American baguette comes even close.
It all looks delicious! Yummy! Send over some French bread please :)
Oh, I can't stand it! If I go around the corner from my house I have a Shell station that sells Fritos and beef jerky. If I do the same thing at my office, I'll find Hooters. Ain't America great?
Love the rose window of Notre Dame. you have been eating some fine food. Any escargot? oh, and if it's no trouble, please ship a crate of pain au chocolat to me. :)
Hey V, We all just send you our orders and you'll take care of it.......right? Everything looks yummy. I just can't say much more about your photos - they are wonderful - it just becomes a question of how much more wonderful they can get. Love it!
I'm laughing out loud. Trust me I know what you mean!
DL, If I could ship it all home I would. That baguette was the best we've had. No wonder they line up for them. And the only escargot I've had is the pastry you see above.
Oh, le slurp, le yum, as Pepe le Phew might say. Just drooling over your photos....
Oh, thank you for these. I love pain au chocolat. I can taste it; I can just taste it!
You have to go to France to experience French food. When we got home, the next day, we went to Publix, and I begged my mom to buy us a baguette. So we got home, I tasted it; I think it was then that I realized that you cant get a good baguette just anywhere. Have you tried the bread with chocolate in it? That was my breakfast every morning!
You are making me soooo homesick for a jambon. I'm very jealous. Your website is amazing and make me not miss my city all that much (ha).
Rip, you've got that right. Maybe Continental Bakery has French baguettes like here but nowhere else! I had half a pain au chocolat this morning. Mmmmmmm
Mrs. J.
You said you wanted tout and lots of it so I"m trying to deliver the goods.
Surprisingly enough, our local market makes a decent baguette, but then they ruin it by putting it in a plastic bag. Several of us have mentioned it to them, but they don't seem to be getting the message. There are a couple of real French stores in Fort Lauderdale where we can get real French bread and cheeses, as well as other French food items. Their a bit pricey, of course, because of the euro and the import taxes, but if you crave real French food, it's worth the extra cost.
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