Today I share a photograph that might just be one of my VERY favorites. Oh I know I say that a lot, but today I really mean it. As you know, the photos that I love the most are the ones that bring back very special memories of Paris. On second thought, they probably all do! Well, this photo is from a delightful late afternoon last summer when Melissa, Eva, Davis and I joined our dear Birmingham friends, the Wilsons, at the Palais Royal late one afternoon.
The Palais Royale is very special to you...maybe you could be the caretaker there...or the concierge, yes that is better...the Palais Royale concierge...parfait!
gorgeous shot V!!! Love the repetition, the light play on the floor...wonderful!!!
I love perspective shots that accentuate the subtleties of architecture. Very nice!
Just choice. You good, girl.....
It is a special one, and all the more so for the sentiment attached to it.
Stunning! Great perspective and shadows!
Speaking of being a concierge, have you read The Elegance of the Hedgehog yet? You should!
not only a GREAT place to go to but a marvelous, elegant, stunning and intriguing shot!
Thank you - another FAVE....
Don't blame you for feeling this one is special, V. The light, the shadows, the perspective, the lone monsieur at the end of the arcade—all wonderful. (And it's the Palais Royal, after all!)
Awesome ..
Yes I agree Virginia, this is a very nice photo. Love the shadows !
Virginia, I just love this shot -- the light on the floor, the light on the top of the columns, the subtle floor design on the edges --it's absolutely stunning!
Je connais bien le Palais-Royal car ma mère travaillait dans ce quartier!
La photo est très intéressante avec toutes les nuances de noir, gris...!
You're right to love it.
Virginia, so interesting that we both posted on Palais Royal today. This is beautiful and I agree with Claudine about all the nuances of black and gray.
I do hope that you put it on Red Bubble and have added it to your calendar of B/W!
I love this picture.
J'aime vraiment beaucoup tes photos en noir et blanc, chère Virginia. Have you found a French teacher this year?
Hi Virginia,
there is something about long hallways that think of where le long corridor may lead us to next and which door will open.Great photo.
I also said this in N. journal. I love the first tow pictures N. posted especially the blue one it reminds me of a water birth.
It seemed that those two photos referred to the break down of the computer so I asked N. for a third photo to celebrate the anniversary.
I don't think N. is apologizing for her photos at all but shifted her focus to the celebration of the anniversary and away from the breakdown.Now she has all 3 and I think they look wonderful together.
Anyway I don't mind explaining to you my intentions and I admire your concern. I think we all have to support each other in this world of e journals.well those are my views and intentions.
and also another one of my intentions was to override a french comment addressed to N. stating---the anniversary date is the 25, you posted on the 26 dating back to the 25 and you announced the anniversary on the 20th. Anyhow these photos speak well.---
this was the message given for a happy anniversary.
Well I don't really know why I am telling you all this. oh well.
peace and good will to all.
thanks for listening Virginia.sometimes it gets kind of lonely you know from a standpoint like this.
have a nice day
Please don't worry, we all understand what you meant. Nathalie have been friends for quite a while. Thank you for coming by my blog. I hope you will come back often.
I thought i'd found someone but the person's French I think would not help me to improve my pronunciation. I'll email you the details. I'm still looking! Why don't you come here and stay with me and teach me! :)
I love it!
Can you hear me sigh?
Is this one on Red Bubble yet?
stunning... absolutely love the lines and the B&W! :)
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