Musee Quai Branley

Lest you think we are worn out and can't put one foot in front of the other, we jammed another day full of sights and fun. We headed out at 10 this morning and attended services at the beautiful American Cathedral on Avenue George V. I photographed this church last summer ( check the archives for previous photos). It was a wonderful experience and everyone was so friendly. We followed that with a nice lunch around the corner. After photographing "The Flame" we walked down the street to the , *Musee de lÁrt Moderne de la Ville de Paris to see the fabulous Dufy mural. We took a little more time to quickly see the permanent collection. Once done, we walked the pedestrian bridge to the Musee Quai Branley. A fairly new museum, it features the art of native civilizations around the world. What an interesting museum this is! By 4, we were tired and it was getting dark and was very cold. We hopped a bus and took the long way home, ending at the Gare du Nord, where we took the Metro home. We had a little downtime before finding dinner. It's 12:07, I'm very tired. Good Night everyone!
* I regret I cannot provide links for the places I've mentioned. PC problems. grrrr
* I regret I cannot provide links for the places I've mentioned. PC problems. grrrr
Another action packed day with beautiful photos for all of us - merci.
I think the Dufy mural is now on my agenda for my next trip.
I'm going to google The Flame to find out more about it --- so many things I've yet to "see" in Paris.
I must say that the 3 of you look very Parisienne in your "black".
Judging by your photo, its worth the trip just to see The American Cathedral.
Wonderful shot.
Compared to your weather there, our day in Paris in late November was a veritable heat wave!!! Lovely photos V!!! Stay warm!!!
You three look so elegant. And happy.
WV: Kidin. I'm not.
Oh, I just can't stand it. I live in podunk and look at this.
Soak it up and send images. We're hungry out here.
I can tell you right now that I couldn't keep up with you three.
I'm more of a sedentary traveller.
«Louis», having visited all of those places when he lived in Paris, knows 'zackly where you've been - and he wishes he were there again....
Quite like the idea of the Musee Quai Branley. I am going to get me a Word file and note down all the things YOU do that might appeal to me. You can be my travel writer, my tester.
I'm flattered!
I wish you were here too.
We may look Parisian but we don't sound it! :)
Don't talk to me about Podunk!
Oui, we are very happy. My back not so much but I'm hanging in there.
It is a beautiful church
Very very cold but when you're walking everywhere it warms you up!
We nearly met at the Palais Royal. I only dicover now that you were there saturday. Looking at the snow still falling on your picture you were there earlier than my.
By the way sunday I saw a nice litle exhibition in le Marais about Paris during the giant floods of 1910. Unfortunately all explanantions are in French only but if you like old Paris pictures there are fabulous ones to see. (Galerie des bibliothèques - 22, rue Malher Paris 4e - Métro : Saint-Paul )
The black-plus-colourful-scarf is working a treat, V!
More beautiful scenes ~ love them all, especially the last one ~ you're all looking radiant, including La Tour!
What a day and what shots. Did you use a tripod Virginia for those first two? Superb.
I'm never keep up this pace...
It looks cold! Sounds like you are having fun anyways. :-)
Virginia, your photos are marvelous! Do you love only Paris? Have you been to other French cities/towns?
You are really corageous to do all this!! ... and you even managed to take some really excellent photos! Bravo!!
Hope to see you later today, at a warm place! :-)
I trust you got your beauty rest, V... great post, though I'm sorry about the computer problems. I know how frustrating that can be.
I got up & eagerly checked my feed for a new Virginia post...
The Moderne is my favorite museum in Paris so far. I don't think I saw the Dufy mural, though, there were renovations going on when I was there last. (::Adds to list of must-sees::)
All my Parisian friends RAAAAAAVE about the Branly. Did you enjoy it?
These new Paris photos are so thrilling! I so wish I could be there with you. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to share these photos!
And you know what I want to exclaim exclaim exclaim...
three little ladies from Birmingham (doesnt work as melodically as "We're just two little girls from Little Rock" .. Ms Monroe 'sang' that in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
If only the art had been that interesting when we were there in 2008.
Oh, lucky, lucky you!!! As always, I am thoroughly enjoying your images. Thanks, Cheryl
We did love the Branley. Very very interesting and beautifully displayed.
No tripod. Sometimes I get lucky. Tonight I used Peter as my human tripod and still didn't get what I wanted.
Oui, Paris but I have enjoyed visiting other small towns in the countryside as well. It's all beautiful but in different ways.
Sorry we didn't meet at the PR and tonight. Maybe we can still work it out.
I'm not getting any beauty rest. I must change that or I won't last. It's 1:41 right now! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
What a lovely photo of you ladies.
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