This Sunday I've selected two photographs of Cathédrale Notre Dame taken in March, 2007. I realize that these two shots are not exactly the most original , but I've not been inside since that time. Both were taken with the trusty Nikon Cool Pix camera I was using at the time. I think this rose window is one of the most beautiful I've seen anywhere. I like the bottom photograph as it illustrates the difference between the number of tourists in March and in June! Perhaps if you've been fortunate enough to visit Notre Dame this will bring back some nice memories.
Virginia - What a fabulous shot! Love it. I have a charm of the rose window and it's my favorite. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Glorious, Virginia!
Oh my!!! Stained glass like that could almost inspire me to be a believer. Almost. Fabulous shot!
The rose window is beautiful! And the Notre Dame pic could almost be vintage...even the clothes don't give it away. I was in Paris in March this year and experienced things like this, but then a few days later, spring break must have hit and everything was mobbed again! But alas, we can't be the only ones who love Paris :-) Thanks for the beautiful photos...yes, memories :-) Diane
How is it that your Nikon COOLPIX camera can take better pictures than mine ;)
Lovely photos!
Good choice - Coolpix or not!
Have you seen the little - barely 3" in diameter - bronze metal disco on the parvis in front of Nôtre-Dame from which all distances in France are measured? Usually there's a tourist standing on it - completely unaware they are standing on it. It is not particularly well-marked. No sign, just the disc in the pavement.
It looks so much better now that it's clean.
Ah, this brings back memories! I especially like that you managed to get the bird and the bike in that second shot!
I will definitely have to go back in the winter to see these things with less tourists!
Thanks for these! I once lived a short (4-5 mins.) walk from this beautiful cathedral—but at the time it was black from centuries of Parisian soot. Last time I was there, I was surprised and delighted to see it like this. Certainly cleans up well.
Starman and Alexa, didn't realize it was newly cleaned. THat's a huge job in Paris keeping the monuments etc. cleaned and restored properly.
Yes, the pigeon cooperated for me.
DW, yes the clothing does look vintage. I love the bike!
I've not seen the spot. Next trip I'll look for it though.
I'd like to have a charm like that for my granddaughters' bracelets.
Shell and Barb and Bonnie,
Merci !
DW, Did you seen the Gee's Bend quilt on my B'ham blog about a week ago? You would love those ladies!
Ahh you need to come down next Feb. and take my photography class! :)
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