This Sunday we are going back to the church that I've probably photographed more than any other in Paris, the beautiful
Val de Grâce. You might remember that we could see the dome from our apartment window, and I photographed it at every time of day and night. I also walked over and attended Sunday services there twice. This week Peter did a lovely
post on this church, and it brought back some nice memories of time spent there. It also reminded me that I have a lot more photos to share with you!
Of note: If you would like to visit Val de Grâce, check the times when it is open. I am not certain it's open during the week. I took my photographs immediately after the Sunday services and was only allowed to do so for a short time.
Lovely. I'm not too far from there and it's on my list of places to go. Time is flying much too quickly. There must be a way to slow it down and make this month last longer.
What a lovely place .. one I would love to see in person, til then .. thanks V!
My weekly review of your Paris blog.
I am glad not to be alone at home today, I miss so much Paris... I should rather say this "face" of Paris.
Thérèse, I know. I miss it so myself. Somedays it lifts my spirits to relive the fun through my photos, other days, it makes me "homesick"!
You have been so kind to refer to my post... and I negelected to link to your blog! I feel ashamed! :-)
Now I ask you all.....who should feel ashamed??? I let Peter do all the tedious research and I sit back and just link to his blog!! I have felt a little guilty but not enough to stop!!! :) Merci Peter. Keep up the good work.
I think the two of you make an excellent team. There are so many wonderful churches in Paris, to really do them all justice would take most of a lifetime.
Well I must agree. Peter is a wonderful teammate to have in Paris. We have spent many great days exploring Paris together. As I've said, I'm not certain I'm pulling my weight, but I do appreciate him letting me piggyback off of his great Paris blog!! I hope he feels the same way.
Do not hesistate to post more pictures of the Val de Grace ... I have never been inside !
Sorry for posting a musee d'Orsay clock ...
Laurent, I loved your take on the famous clock! I think it's hilarious that we are always posting similar photos. Great minds think alike.....oui??? :)
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