Well if you follow either of my blogs, you know how I feel about "tagging" ( a polite name for grafitti ). I think it is a disgrace and is ruining our cities. Case in point, this not so lovely courtyard. Located between the highly respected Musée de l'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and the Palais de Toyko, it features some beautiful sculpture and a commanding view of la Tour Eiffel. This should be one of Paris' premier showplaces. Not so. It's filled with litter, skateboarders use and abuse it on a regular basis, and the sculpture and surrounding areas have been ruined by tagging. Considering how the rest of Paris' public gardens and monuments are kept in pristine condition, it remains a mystery as to why there has not been more attention given to this public venue.
Both photos were taken from windows of the Musée de l'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. As you can see, la Tour is only a bridge away. The bottom statue appears to have escaped desecration although I can't vouch for the front of her.
Gosh, that really surprises and disappoints me ~ it looks very forlorn there.
I second that. What a shame that such a lovely place is treated with such disrespect.
I don't care for 'tagging' either. In the old days, didn't they call it defacing property?
The second photo is especially nice.
Absolutly. My thing is, if you want to spray paint walls, do it at YOUR house! Have a ball, knock yourself out. I'm sure your Momma will be thrilled. But leave other people's property alone!
I agree, that place is a real shame and we have absolutely no clue of what is going on and why it is left like this.
I'm sure Pres. Sarkozy and the Mayor of Paris read my blog and will jump right on this problem! :)
I will send an email to Bertrand Delanoe right away.
Will it take a fence around the property to stop vandalism?
Such a shame!
Tagging is ugly and taggers should be made to clean up their own and the tags of others ...
Please do!!! I can't imagine that there isn't some sort of security for the two museums right there. It is puzzling!
You would think people would have more respect for art. Of course, the perpetrators might as well have left their name, because no real 'artist' would have defaced these sculptures.
I agree; this is a scandal! I will try to have it fixed before your next trip here! :-)
(Seriously, I (also) will write to the Delanoe, our mayor. Promised before, but now I will really do it!)
I have ALWAYS wanted to take part in a good ole Paris demonstration. Well maybe I'll LEAD one! Stay tuned everyone. I think Peter and Nadege might get this party started.
Maybe they were tagging her cellulite ;) I do not approve either. I agree people should get it out of their system on their basement walls not art....especially right across from the "iron lady". Kids who do that do not have an appreciation or understanding of the beauty before them.
I totally agree, but I do like your clever title.
I see what you mean (re: your comment on Paree)...I agree with you about "tagging." No one has the right to draw their crap on public or private property no matter how "great" they think it is...and this is just disgusting! And depressing!
Maya and I were discussing this the other day and trying to figure out the line between urban art and tagging/graffiti. It's a very, very fine one.
My sister, while she was here, told me how surprised she was by all of the tagging and graffiti. I often have been, too. I've both found it jarring to see this kind of thing in Europe. I know that seems odd and inexplicable, but there you have it.
Boo to the bozo who tagged that statue and all the other bozos who tag. Talk about selfish and inconsiderate!
Opps. That should have said "We both found it jarring..." Sorry.
Also, LOVE the title. Very nicely done!
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