This happy fellow was entertaining passersby around the Hôtel de Ville's ice rink during my last visit in January. Normally I always put a little change in their cup when I take a photo of street mimes or musicians. This day I was cold and tired and well, I didn't give him anything. I think I heard him say in French, "Madame, you are very cheap!"
He looks like an understanding fellow. I'm not a big fan of clowna but this one seems nice. I bet it has something to do with your photography.
As a guy who photographs clowns of one description or another all the time I'd say this is an excellent image.
WV: waysia, if I ever start my own country this is what I'm going to name it.
Good morning,
he looks very friendly...nice photo!
Hi Virginia, you have perfectly caught that very expressive face - with the lovliest kind eyes.
Dianne xx
Are you sure this isn't a U.S. Congressman on a tax-payer funded junket?
Now, you're afraid of rubberheads, it's clowns that kind of freak me out.
M. La Vache may be on to something.
Send in the clowns !
Hmmm, I'm wondering which expression he may have used to say he thought you were cheap ???
I was away on vacation for a couple of weeks, and have just enjoyed going back through your posts for a good part of February. Love the Père Lachaise shots, and the piece about street art versus graffiti. Came across a fun street artist on la Réunion while there... will be posting about him soon.
Well, it is how he makes his living, so you can't really blame him. At least, he was polite while scolding you.
Can you ask Le Clown if he will be there in the Fall of 2012 to entertain my kids? Merci!
I don't always leave a comment when I drop by but I would like to say that I do very much enjoy your wonderful photos. I like to start the day with a coffee and a visit here to see the latest photo from Paris. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
I wish I could fly right over to Paris tonight and ask him myself. I hope you and your family have a wonderful. wonderful trip in 2012. Let me know If I can help! Thank you for leaving a comment.
All looks and comments are welcome here. I"m thrilled to share my photos and my memories with all of you.
I know I should have!
welcome back my friend. You've been missed you know!
Hker,'You are afraid of clowns? Nag!
Louis, YEP!
Yvi, You are so kind to visit and leave such nice comments!
Well yes I think you are a clown expert by now. At least this wasn't a P #$%*@ :)
James, I had about 4 great shots of this guy. Very photogenic!
Funny photo!!
Great shot!
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