Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You're Never Fully Dressed Without....

your pigeon chapeau!


Unknown said...

I will never forget my hat..!!

Alain said...

Femen ?

Joe said...

Hi V ... Thanks for making me laugh. A sense of humour is a fabulous thing ... A bientot J.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I saw a similar sight a few days ago!

Duncan in Kuantan
Kuantan nature photos

Gerald (SK14) said...

They don't care whose heads they use those pigeons

Kiki said...

THIS is the stroke of a GENIUS Vi; made me howl with laughter and nod like the pigeons in my garden... :)
Hilarious, wonderful, quirky, ENGLISH...., never go out without your p-hat!!!! Oh, how I love this!

You know dear friend that the French have a frequently used phrase (quote) with pigeons in it?
When you're taken as an idiot or your intelligence is challenged, a French will tell you:
Have I got PIGEON written across my forehead?

I love that expression dearly and use it frequently in my daily French life. (I wonder why?! :) - or no, I don't)

Thank You for the laugh, dearest

M said...

Ha! This cracked me up! The golden statue is beautiful (avec ou sans pigeon)!

Malyss said...

"You may leave your hat on "(Joe Cocker):o)

Guillaume said...

At first I thought it was a crow.

Alexa said...

All she needs is the frock and she's ready for a London wedding. Thanks for the giggle, V!

Virginia said...

Guillaume, I thought so too but then don't remember ever seeing crows in Paris. I'll leave that call to the Parisian here.

Starman said...

You could have taken this photo at l'Hôtel de Ville and gotten it with the pigeon on the head of real person.

Jack said...

Virginia, she has forgotten something else, too.

Vreni said...

... but only if you are topless...

Mary said...

LOL! I hope the pigeon didn't have to 'go'. :)