Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Crépuscule au Pompidou

From a cafe table overlooking the Stravinsky Fountain, the Centre Pompidou twinkled in the twilight.


Starman said...

I always liked the Stravinsky Fountain and its moving sculptures.

Connie said...

My, that building is so modern.
I always think that Paris is filled with old building, only. I don't know why I should think that:)

Joe said...

Hi V ... I have had a couple of quick trips to Paris in another lifetime and never made it to the Pompidou Centre. Hope it waits for my next visit. J.

Daryl said...

such a strange building ... reminded me of a hamster cage

Jeanie said...

Splendid view -- and it looks a lot better at night! It's an odd area there, with the funky fountain, St. Merri and the Pomp!

Janey and Co. said...

I am not sure a fan of modern art. I did have a wonderful lunch at the roof top restaurant (great view from there).

Mary said...


Jack said...

You can guess what I think of the Pompidou Center.

Vreni said...

A beautiful photo of one of my favourite "Corners" of Paris!

Allax said...

Great view of this very cool batiment