Thursday, October 30, 2014

Table pour deux

Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole, in the shadow of Notre Dame. Like walking into an old painting.


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Merci de nous offrir cette belle atmosphère...
Gros bisous ♡

Joe said...

What a wonderful escape this would be from the activity around the Notre Dame.

angie said...

danke für die super bilder und inspirationen, alles liebe und einen schönen donnerstag wünscht angie aus deutschland

Jeanie said...

Rembrandt, Vermeer -- you're so right. A painting. I should ove to step into it this very moment!

Katherine said...

Oh, take me there. This is a spot to sit in for a bit and just breath deeply.

William Kendall said...

Beautifully lit!

Alexa said...

What a gorgeous shot. I'd like to be there right now too—with you!

RedPat said...

So gorgeous! One could sit there for hours.

Jack said...


Cezar and Léia said...

Merci ma belle pour ce beau voyage!

Stuart said...

Just perfect.