Monday, October 6, 2014

Walking On Rooftops

High atop the Centre Pompidou, the tubes allow a pretty good view of Paris from above.


Georgianna said...

I love the view from there – some of the best rooftops and then the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

Hope you have been well, Virginia!

best wishes for the new week,


Daryl said...

what a wonderful composition!

Revrunner said...

The "real" Paris perhaps.

Alexa said...

Nicely captured, V! (I took one of my all-time fave shots of Paris from up here.)

William Kendall said...

Quite a view. From what I can see below, someone with a problem with heights might have issues with that walkway.

Alain said...

C'est toujours un petit moment de plaisir de passer là...surtout quand on a attendu pendant 1 heure pour aller voir une expo.