Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Automne à Paris

Rue Bonaparte. This trip, I'll be very close.  Hope they don't sweep up those beautiful brown leaves before I get there.


Vreni said...

When exactly will you be in Paris?

Jeanie said...

Very moody. I'm sure there will be at least a few stray leaves waiting for you!

Alain said...

Dans la plupart des villes, les feuilles mortes ne se ramassent plus à la pelle, mais sont "soufflées" à grand bruit, projetant sur les passants toute la poussière de la rue. Pourquoi faut-il faire des choses aussi bêtes ?

Revrunner said...

And maybe clean out the ash trays, and preferably not onto the leaves. :-)

angie said...

thank you!!! angie

RedPat said...

I can hear the crunch of feet on leaves from here!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful! Enjoy your trip.

Jack said...

You could always bring a bag of leaves with you, Virginia.

Harriet said...

How wonderful -- another trip to Paris!!!