Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Les détails

"God is in the details"
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe


Joe said...

I love this perspective on the Eiffel Tower V. Giving me all sorts of ideas. Bon Vivant J.

TheChieftess said...

I like this shot!!! Much closer than my closest one of La Tour!!!

Stuart said...

Beautifully composed photo !

Alain said...

God or devil ? Je croyais la peinture plus rouge.

Jack said...

Mies, unfortunately, wasn't wise enough to create details like those.

Jeanie said...

Gorgeous angle, V. Very, very nice!

Paulita said...

Terrific. Imagine that someone planned each of those pieces of metal -- for duty or for beauty.

Daryl said...

tres magnifique!

Dianne said...

It really is a magical structure Virginia and this capture shows us its wonderful intricate detailing. Brava.

"All Things French"

William Kendall said...

That's an angle on the Tower I've never seen. Good shot, Virginia!

Anonymous said...

J'adore ca!

RedPat said...

Love these details!

Alexa said...

Well done, M. Eiffel—and you too, V!

Sketchbook Wandering said...

I'll never forget the first time I stood under that tower...I never dreamed it would be like that...!!! Thank you for reminding me, & for capturing some of that detailing so beautifully.

Babzy.B said...

très joli détail :)