Monday, July 5, 2010

A Family Friend

While in Tuileries on this last visit, I had to show my friends my family's favorite piece of sculpture. "L'ami de personne" (Nobody's Friend) by Swedish artist Eric Deitman (1992) was a piece that we found so delightful on our first visit to Paris in March, 2007. My Eva posed in the little chair here. She was even featured on Peter's Paris blog here! Last summer, Eva and Davis sat in his outstretched hand here. I decided to have my photo taken with him as well! When we first met him we named him "The Troll. Now he's just a part of the family!


Mister Earl said...

Le Tour de France is underway. Arrived in Brussels today, heading for France. Has nothing to do with the Troll, but it's late.

Shell Sherree said...

I'm glad you've added yourself to the collection taken with your family friend! That link to your post of Eva was broken when I looked, so I've put it here in case it helps in the meantime, since you're possibly sound asleep at the moment.

Daryl said...

What a nice thing to do ...

Virginia said...

Earl, we understand!

Merci. I hope I've fixed it now.

My friends made me do it!

Genie said...

Yes, Daryl, we made her do it and we called it Beauty and the Troll!

Katie said...

V this is a fabulous photo of you! And I'd say you both look pretty happy together -- maybe the name of the sculpture should be changed to "L'ami de Virginie"!

Petrea Burchard said...

He seems to be taking good care of all of you.

MadAboutParis said...

Maybe you've just started a trend...anyone who knows you MUST have a photo with the Troll...AND a champagne at Cafe Nemours...and a glass of wine at Ma Bourgogne...and a glass of wine at...

Anonymous said...

I'm with Katie -- how elegant you look.

Starman said...

It's good to have friends in beautiful places.

Harriet said...

What a great photo of you and this piece of sculpture that your family has adopted!

Owen said...

Looks like it must weigh quite a few tons... heavy stuff...

Virginia said...

Oh he's a keeper as they say. I think there will be more photos with our "friend" in the future! Perhaps mon amies will sit in his hand as well!

♥ E.T. Suzy ♥ said...

Fantastic photo of you in Pareeee! Next time I go I'm going to get more photos of myself enjoying Paris. I only have about 4 right now. Terrible.

Anonymous said...

You people do have some ugly statues!