It is really no secret that photographing the pétanque players in Luxembourg Gardens last summer was one of my favorite pastimes, but I found the specateurs just as interesting! This next trip, I plan to go right back, pull up a chair and hopefully make some new friends !
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pétanque - Les Spectateurs
It is really no secret that photographing the pétanque players in Luxembourg Gardens last summer was one of my favorite pastimes, but I found the specateurs just as interesting! This next trip, I plan to go right back, pull up a chair and hopefully make some new friends !
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Green With Envy - Les Jardins des Tuileries
I fell in love with les Jardins des Tuileries in March, 2007. Melissa, Eva and I strolled the gardens and although it was cold and gray, we voted it one of our most treasured Paris memories. November , 2008 found me right there again. I LOVE these green chairs found all over Paris. I can't wait to pull up one , prop my feet on the edge of a fountain and savor Paris!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Les Gros Diamants?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Johnny Hallyday - the French Elvis??

I'm just going to be honest. I think the fact that Johnny Hallyday was and still is the darling of the French is absolutely hysterical. He just seems so very Las Vegas/Tom Jones but he is loved all over France. But the man is older than I am , you've got to hand it to him!
Well today I include two clips for your pleasure. The first is from 1962 and Johnny is singing "Let's Twist Again" in French. I love this one! The second is from 2007 and a much older and more "seasoned" Johnny sings " Derriere L'amour.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Counting Euros, Counting My Blessings
Oh I'm truly blessed with wonderful blog friends. Today I'm counting the Euros left from my last trip in January, but much, much more. I'm also counting my blessings. A dear blog reader has been generous enough to share a roundtrip ticket to Paris that he won and could not use. I am forever grateful. Because of this wonderful gift, I will be off to Paris en juin!!! Of course I plan to take you all with me , virtually!
Mon amie Mary advised me to NEVER turn in my Euros when I come home. She said, "Save them, they will be your little gift when you return to Paris again." Indeed. I found these in a coin purse, and some nice bills as well. Je vous remercie mes chers amis!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Un Bon Déjeuner!
Last summer, Mary, Peter and I enjoyed a lovely lunch at Aux Marches du Palais near the Palais de Tokyo. ( A quick shot from our table. The composition could use some work!)
Merci to Travel for featuring this blog as one of
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Paris Rouge XXVII- Rouge ou Blanc?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Mad About Paris
Joyeux anniversaire mon amie Mary. She and I have been friends since we met on Virtual Tourist ( she was Mad About Paris and I was Paris Mumsie!) three years ago. We share a love of Paris and all things French and so much more. So far we've been together in Paris twice and we're planning another in the very near future. This photo was taken from the apartment window last summer. Mary was looking for a rainbow over the Val de Grace. Here's to many more rainbows in Paris mon chère amie!
Merci to my dear blog reader and fellow Francophile, Genie who sent this along for you first timers to Paris. Some greta tips!! 10 Things NOT To Do In Paris
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Just Playing in the Dirt - Palais Royal
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Annick Goutal - Dreaming......
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday Afternoon on Rue Mouffetard
Monday, May 17, 2010
le Monde
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I Love Paris When It Drizzles
A rainy day in the 5eme. I think that may be mon amie Mary's parapluie! Sweet memories.
Today Frank Sinatra will sing "I Love Paris" pour vous and be sure and watch the video, some very nice images!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A Little Intimidating
Last summer while trying to get to the Musée Rodin, we got caught up in a rowdy little Paris demonstration. Quelle surprise! You can't be there long without seeing or hearing one. The gendarmerie were out in full force, and I think just their presence kept things orderly. I turned around and snapped this young boy scurrying past them as fast as he could. I know just how he felt!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Table Pour Deux - le Mouffetard
Thursday, May 13, 2010
An Afternoon Along the Seine
This next trip I'm going to really try and do less sightseeing and find more time to just sit and relax and just BE in Paris. This looks like a good place to start. An afternoon just enjoying a glass of wine, maybe a baguette et fromage along the banks of the Seine. Who knows, maybe I'll meet some nice new friends here.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
100 French Strangers - Grand Mère et Petite Enfant
French Strangers #62-63
My 100 Strangers has been featured in B-Metro, a Birmingham magazine, and they were kind enough to mix in my dear French strangers as well. I really can't express how much I've loved capturing the many delightful and interesting strangers I've met in France. Today I have two more for you. I am anticipating my return to Paris to try and find the rest!
I found this photograph in my archives and burst into smiles all over again. I walked up on this delightful grand-mère et sa petite-fille in Luxembourg Gardens last summer. What a find!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Montmartre - Les Nombreuses Étapes
Monday, May 10, 2010
Les Macarons de Californie
Today we leave Paris for just one day. We'll travel west from Paris to Brentwood, California. Last week while staying with my dear blog reader Judy, she thought of every single thing I might like to drink or eat. We paid a visit to Europane in Pasadena for a nice selection of macarons. I'll bet you're wondering if they were up to "Paris standards"...........OUI! They were delicieux. I had several, and I highly recommend them. I took this "food shot" poolside on Judy's gorgeous deck overlooking a canyon. Tellement la Californie!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
It's Seven O'clock Somewhere... But Not in Paris
Friday, May 7, 2010
Paris Rouge XXVI- Bar Américain ?
Publish Post
Call me silly, but when in Paris, the last place I want to go is a "bar américain"! I've not been to Mondrian, but maybe I'll have a look on my next trip. I'll let you know just how "américain" it really is! Regardless, I really like their black awning and red umbrellas! :)
Paris bars,
Paris Rouge XXVI,
Paris street scene
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Through the Window
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Fenêtre du Jardin
There is a special little park, le Square Georges Cain on rue de Payenne, where I've found the most wonderful subjects to photograph. I've previously posted them here and here. Today what I think is reminiscent of a rose window in a church.
Le Marais,
parks in Paris,
rue de Payenne,
Square Georges Cain
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Perfect Spot
My 100 Strangers Challenge is featured in this month's issue of B-Metro Magazine. Take a look here!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Paris Rouge XXV - French Card Sharks?
I'm not card savvy, so I don't know what they are playing. I did appreciate the fact that these gentlemen, at Luxembourg Gardens, were kind enough to allow me to photograph their game. I've featured another photograph, here.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
St. Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus

Notre Dame de Lorette church is undergoing some much needed restoration as you can see by the wall behind this lovely statue of Saint Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus, the patron saint of missions. Pope Pius XI considered her the "star of his pontificate". She died at the age of 24 and is thought to be one of the greatest saints of the 20th century. I love the simplicity of this beautiful piece of sculpture.
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