Saturday, December 6, 2014


 The Saint Paul Métro was decked out in Picasso this last trip.  I'm assuming in honor of the newly reopened Musée Picasso that opened in November after a long restoration.  It's always a treat to see new décor in the Métro.


Deb said...

Great photo. Love the combination of old and new.

Paris Rendez-vous and Beyond said...

Oh...PP is my hero!!!!!!!!!! You're such a star Virginia. I've just completed 2 little collages on which Pablo features...not bad even if I say so myself!! I've called them PP Jewels I and II. Virginia..I'm back...check out le blog....Paris Rendez-Vous and Beyond when you have time. Ciao, Robyn

angie said...

danke!!! angie

William Kendall said...

Quite a strong portrait shot of the great artist.

Jack said...

Hi, Pablo. Looking good.

Alexa said...

It must almost look like you're sitting in Pablo's lap when you perch on that seat.