Saturday, November 22, 2014

Meeps Guest Blogger - Last Night...

I dreamed of Paris and my Mom.  I'm a little lonesome but my friends Harry and Lulu come up to check on me. Pugs are a little like cats.


William Kendall said...

Pugs are fun, aren't they, Meeps? And so strangely cute.

Does it feel good to rub your cheek against the Eiffel Tower?

angie said...

oh, wie süß!!! vielleicht ist die katze verliebt??? liebe grüße von angie

Alexa said...

I understand—Paris looms large in my dreams too. Glad you had good company while your maman was away.

Shell Sherree said...

If Ella was to have a companion, there's a very good chance it would be a pug. You have sweet friends, little Meeps.

Jack said...

Hang in there, Meeps. Mama will be home before you know it.

Jeanie said...

She'll be back before you know it. Although in cat years it will seem longer...