Thursday, November 13, 2014

Guest Blogger - Meeps, ma chatte noire

She's gone again. Even though I curled up in her suitcase looking trop mignon, she flew off to Paris today. Check back this week, I'm in charge now!


angie said...

ich liebe die wunderschöne katze!!! angie

Stuart said...

Now that's a look ! Hope you put all your pillows out of reach.

Jeanie said...

Welcome back, Meeps! You have been so missed! Can't wait to hear what you have to say!

William Kendall said...

Meeps, you are entirely too cute!

Heather said...

Pauvre petite!

Alexa said...

Bonjour, Meepsie! I've never known a cat that could resist an open suitcase and I see you are no exception.

Joe said...

Love that crystal eye stare V.

Jack said...

Meeps, what do you have to say about that loser who posts on every female blogger's pages about American women?

Shell Sherree said...

Bonjour sweet Meeps! It must be very difficult for poor V to ignore your beautiful gaze and not try slipping you into her carry-on. Xo

Kate said...

Well you know who your REAL friends are. . .I'll be back!