Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Starting tomorrow,  I'll be flying to Paris to meet old and new friends, and of course taking many photos for all of us.  While I'm gone, I am putting Meeps, ma chatte noire, in charge of the blog. You might want to check from time to time to see what she's been up to!


French Girl in Seattle said...

That's a cool photo! Bon voyage, V. Enjoy every minute, and don't forget to look up once in a while and put the camera down ;-) Say "bonjour" to Peter and Eric for me if you see them. Can't wait to see what Mademoiselle Meeps has in store for us, as your guest blogger. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Alexa said...

What a great picture of you, V! I'll be there with you in spirit—and I'm looking forward to seeing what Meepsie gets up to. :~}

James said...

Have fun! I can't wait to see your new pictures.

Jane Hards Photography said...

And if rains, dance in the puddles. Looking forward to your latest adventure.

Karin B (Looking for Ballast) said...

Yay!!! Send warm greetings to our mutual friends. Can't wait to see the Facebook posts about it all. :-)

William Kendall said...

I'm sure Meeps will keep things in perfect working order.

Or use the computer screen to sharpen her claws.

Jack said...

"You are here." That must account for the big smile on your face. I am sure Meeps will do a wonderful job. Meeps has been learning at your feet.

Safe trip.

M. Denise C. said...

Enjoying Meeps' guest posts!! Enjoy Paris!!