Saturday, December 7, 2013

Le Vélo

Spotted next to the Lycée Charlemagne in the Marais, this vélo waits for the bell to ring.


weekend et coup de brosse said...

jolie bicyclette qui est posé là, c'est un joli cliché!
Lovely post!
Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your visit my blogs.
Have a nice weekend. Cath

Stuart said...

The black bike frame against the black grille makes for a cool pattern.

JL LEAL said...

I like this picture!

Janey and Co. said...

Would be a nice picture anywhere...but that background makes it even nicer.

William Kendall said...

Excellent composition in this shot, Virginia!

Starman said...

Most likely belongs to one of the teachers!

Jeanie said...

Wonderfully framed image! And a great location. I love your new banner head!

Katherine said...

Your blog header with the Christmas lights on the Champs de Elysees is stunning.

-K- said...

Yes, I agree with Katherine, the Champss de Elysees shot is wonderful.

Alain said...

Une bicyclette de curé.