L'église Saint-Madeleine in Sens, France is a lovely church although in need of much repair. In the smaller towns, there just aren't the funds for the upkeep these beautiful old churches require. This garden courtyard beside the church, was a delightful surprise, full of green and all white flowers, well planned and kept. A beautiful place to sit and enjoy this July afternoon.
Un endroit serein pour se reposer et méditer...
De belles photos.
Gros bisous et bon weekend.
You are so right about the sad neglect of those churches in the smaller towns. It is the result, «Louis» suspects, a combination of several factors, declining birth rate among the caucasian population and the ever-increasing secularization of that population.
That garden looks like a real labor of love. Too bad they can't afford to keep the church in similar style!
another lovely photo ...
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