Thursday, August 22, 2013

La boite aux lettres rouge, porte bleue

Pour courrier escargot !


Malyss said...

I like to pictures mailboxes. A thing of every day life that tells a lot of stories..

Cezar and Léia said...

Perfect color for the mailbox and the blue door is just adorable!

Joop Zand said...

Love the color combination...good shot Virginia.

Joe said...

I hope it's not a bill peeping over the top of that letter box.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Like the matching colors !

Jeanie said...

Very striking! These colors look wonderful together. One of my up-north tasks after I retire next month is painting my mailbox. I think turquoise! (Maybe with red?!)

French Girl in Seattle said...

Nothing wrong with "le courrier escargot." -- I prefer it to emails myself! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Katherine said...

What a pretty combination. It is a good reminder to step away from the familiar and colour outside of the lines once in awhile.

Alexa said...

Thanks for a lovely image—and a good laugh!

JoeinVegas said...

Nice and simple

TheChieftess said...

Nice shot!!! Love the door color!!!

Starman said...

I can't believe some people actually prefer snail mail...especially the way the cost of stamps keeps rising and they take even longer to get from one place to another.

Unknown said...

Just gorgeous V - as always a joy. F xx

M said...

My kind ofmdorr! Lovely!

Daryl said...

tres charmant