Saturday, August 3, 2013

Francophile Quiz...

Où sont les colonnes?


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

I don't know where this is, but they are lovely pillars :)

Duncan In Kuantan

Malyss said...

Not "francophile", but "parisien"..not the same! :o)

Janey and Co. said...

Proof positive that we should look up now and then!

Harriet said...

Beautiful photo! I'll venture a guess of the Pantheon since it has many columns.

TheChieftess said...

Don't ask me!!! But I do like this shot!!! Nice detail!!!

Terry said...

The Pantheon was my guess also.

Starman said...


Amanda said...

I don't know but I would venture "La Madeleine"? They really are magnificent!

Jack said...

I'm guessing that this is not McDonalds. (Nice image.)

Virginia said...

Although la Madeleine was an excellent guess, I couldn't stump you. The Pantheon it is.

PS And Jack, you're right about it not being McDo's!

Cezar and Léia said...

This brings M. Escher to mind...
God bless you!

Jeanie said...

I have no idea where they are, but splendid!

newwine said...

I guessed the Pantheon too. I actually stared up at the roof of this porch for quite some time, it has amazing relief sculptures!