Thursday, August 15, 2013

Beaucoup de choix

It seems there are florists on every corner in Paris with so many wonderful choices!
Eva tries to pick her favorite.


Starman said...

One wonders how they make a living with so much competition!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Oh! which one should I choose, she must be asking !

Joe said...

Wow. What a brilliant display of flowers. How about one of each.

Malyss said...

How beautiful!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Virginia, we just went shopping for plants today :)

Duncan In Kuantan

Jeanie said...

This is just the most charming photo. The flowers alone would be pretty. Eva gives is heart.

Adrienne said...

I had fresh flowers in my apartment all the time in Paris...don't do the same for myself here. In our neighborhood there were several florists that I just passed in my daily picking up whatever was in season was so easy. The tulips in the winter were my favorite treat!

JoeinVegas said...

Loved the flower shops - nothing like that here, and so expensive

Jack said...

Beautiful flowers. I want the mixed red, gold and white ones. You will take care of that, right?

Alexa said...

What the French call l'embarras de choix (and what we might call an embarrassment of riches). Good luck, Eva—they're all so beautiful!