Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bleu et blanc

Provins, France


Cezar and Léia said...

C'est adorable!

Unknown said...

Beautiful whites and blues.
Remind me of Greece.

Jeanie said...

Oh, yes. I love that white and blue -- gets me every time!

Alexa said...

What a pretty place Provins must be!

Starman said...

I was just about to write how nice they keep the place painted, when I looked at the bottom of the photo.

Virginia said...

Starman, it dates back to 802 or thereabouts. I think we can cut them some slack.

Virginia said...

Costas, I think this is a close to your beautiful Greece as I will come. I hope not. I'd love to your country, and yes, it is a bit like your Greece.

Alain said...

Les volets : quand on vit à Paris, on finit par oublier que cela existe.