Monday, April 8, 2013

All Dressed Up

She's lovely all dressed  up in yellow and red roses n'est-ce pas?


Starman said...


French said...

So pretty, Virginia, and I can appreciate this very much as the best I can do this week is climb into the middle of a forscythia bush ;) emailing you this morning~

Joe said...

What a terrific perspective to show off this grand lady of Paris.

Shell Sherree said...

She does look like she's wearing a skirt of roses, V. Very pretty!

Dianne said...

Ah! she's SO pretty with roses at her feet.

M said...

Très belle!

French Girl in Seattle said...

What a jolie skirt for "La dame de fer!" -- Great shot, V.

Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Jeanie said...

Oh, Virginia -- the first time I visited France I took a photo from this very angle, with the bushes -- but there were no roses on them then! This is just stunning!

Maryanne White said...

Just the way she should be!

Jack said...

She is a lovely charmer, Virginia. Nice composition.

Paulita said...

Terrific shot. I love how it can look so different from so many different angles.

Alexa said...

Mais oui, ma chère! (Almost looks like red and yellow roses on the same bush—très chouette.)

Mary said...

She's gorgeous, and majestic!

Karena said...

Dear Virginia, A lovely image. I wish so much I was able to travel with day soon.

Love and Hugs,
Art by Karena

*Pearls on a string** Dorthe said...

This is awesome! Great image!

Greetings from Denmark, Dorthe

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Absolument Virginia, gorgeous!