French Stranger #77
M. Marc Feldman, propriétaire
Au Passe Partout
rue Saint- Paul

As I wandered near my apartment in the Marais one afternoon, I spotted this man hard at work at his desk just inside the doorway. I stepped in and asked if I could take some photos. After all, the place was dripping with old keys and tire bouchons! He spoke a little English so I asked if I could take his photograph as well. He consented but asked to share the book he had written,
Des Clefs et des Hommes.
Of course I agreed. I have a few more photos of his interesting shop for you later.I'm one lucky photographer.
Un descendant du valet de Philéas Fogg ?
Hi Virginia,
What great photographs of Monsieur Feldman and looks like he is very proud to promote his book.
Look forward to seeing more photos of his interesting shop.
Happy week
What an idyllic life you lead Virginia...just adore your photographs!
Have a wonderful week.
Sounds like a charming store, with a charming host to match!
Such a friendly neighbor, good for you !
Genie and I spent a fascinating hour or so with him learning about the ancient keys and Perche. Now we own some beautiful, old keys and also have some excellent photographs!
I especially like the top photo of him working in his cozy space! A bien fait portrait of M. Feldman, Me. V de B!
Your first photo is a wonderful portrait, showing a man absorbed in his work in a comfortable study.
I like this kind of people, in his corner of he world he's living his passion, writing quietly a book.. And I admire that you dare to ask for a picture! :o)
A real french gentleman and craftsman.
You go girl .. how could any man resist your charm?
I will be posting photos of him in a follow-up to my story on his key-shop. Funny, that we were not together, but we both were captured by M. Feldman!
What a great story! You're so much more daring than I would be, and me after 21 years here!
Any man worth his salt would welcome a kind, beautiful lady like you, Madame!
Did he give you a signed copy of his book?
glad to meet Mr Feldman !
I like photographs of people doing their usual thing and going about their business
! bravo !
Un gran profesional de la fotografía,
interesante post.
feliz semana.
I wish that I would summon the courage to do something like this. Great idea and photos!
You're not a lucky photographer, V—you're a talented photographer with charm and chutzpah!
I thank you all for your comments. I never think about asking someone to take their photo, even in Paris. I don't think I'm all that brave, maybe just love meeting new people and taking their photo seems so natural for me. I can "read" the ones that won't be so easy. My Paris people are by far the fondest memories I carry home.
That author looks very sympathique as we say. Thanks for the comment on my latest post. Virginia being a woman you would not be a “flâneur” but a “flâneuse” (that is the feminine tense of the word.) It is just like “douloureux” which means sensitive. Mon pied est douloureux (my foot is sensitive) but mon épaule est douloureuse (my shoulder is sentitive) compris?
Beautiful images and as your newest follower I am enjoying reading your blog.
My best
Helen Tilston
A lucky photographer, you may be - but, it takes courage to ask a perfect stranger to take his/her picture. Love the shots!
I thank you for your language help. As you know, I struggle mightily and appreciate all the kind reminders. :)
Welcome. Please stop by and visit often.
I understand that it is hard for many photographers. I encourage you to just try it. I always say, the worst thing that can happen is that they say, "Non". Then just smile and say, "Merci" !
great find, thank you for sharing :) I'm curious to know more about his it fiction? Looking forward to more pics from his shop
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