Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pollenating in Paris

Today's photos were taken with Genie and Marie last June at  Église Saint-Séverin, one of my favorite churches in Paris.  This lovely enclosed courtyard adjoins the church. We all three had great fun trying to shoot through the iron fence!


M said...

Oh, yes! It was such fun to try to squeeze the cameras between the bars and angle our arms to the right position for a photo. And who would have expected such a colorful garden behind the church? Good memories ... Beautiful photo!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I remember that very moment, ma chere amie! I remember too how cool were the benches inside as I lay down to get the shots of the twisted columns inside... What a wonderful day that was... Wish you were here today with us in Paris!

Gros bisous,

la fourchette said...

What a lovely way for all of you to stay in touch - outside of the challenging time difference!

Bon sejour to the two in Paris...and bon courage, Virginia!

Cezar and Léia said...

So adorable flower!Wonderful pictures!

Pamela said...

These must be Hollyhocks? Love them!
Great photos especially by the way you took them!!

Alexa said...

What fun you must have had! And what a good job you did of capturing this beautiful courtyard garden.

Harriet said...

These shots were worth the effort. Beautiful flowers in spring/summer are such a delight.

Jack said...

One of the best things about photography for the photographer is the memories that the images stir! Nice hollyhock image today, but your recollections of the moment and the friends who were with you makes it best.

TheChieftess said...

I'm particularly taken with the bottom photo...bee and all!!! Lovely!!!

Starman said...

You crazy gals will do anything for the right photo. Well....almost anything.

Amanda said...

It is a gorgeous shot. I wish one day we could all be there together.

James said...

Sure looks pretty.
I usually don't see flowers in Paris because of the time of year.

Jeanne said...

This is a lovely church. Jack said it well.. remembering good memories with the time you spent with your friends. You made this shot very interesting.

Lowell said...

These are two gorgeous photos! Unfortunately, when I read your title I expected something different, being a Paris blog and all.

I know, my mind is a little off! :-))

Virginia said...

HA! I knew that was coming but just wondered WHO! :)

Genie and M, so glad we got to have a good visit by phone today. I"m glad you've had marvelous weather and had so much fun. I hope your last day in Paris is the very best!!!

My Paris photos ALL bring back such wonderful memories. I cherish them all.

cocoa and coconut said...

What a gorgeous shot! I love these flowers, particularly their colour and height. You are lucky to have seen them in person.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog!! i also know a very good site for Iron Fence at willefordfence(.)com...!!