Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two Things Challenge - Ugly/Pretty

Oh I hate to do this to you, my loyal readers. I know you long to see the lovely side of Paris right here each day, but today we must have a peek at the other side. I promise, just this once. The Two Things Challenge is Ugly/Pretty and well........if this door in the Marais isn't pretty ugly I don't know what is. I'm a bit surprised that it's been allowed to go to rack and ruin , or at the very least hasn't been painted a fabulous rouge!

Click here to see the other great participants and how they interpreted the theme today.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wall of Fame

We stopped for a light dinner one night and this terrific wall just begged me to drag out the camera, even though the light was....not good.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Le Clown

This happy fellow was entertaining passersby around the Hôtel de Ville's ice rink during my last visit in January. Normally I always put a little change in their cup when I take a photo of street mimes or musicians. This day I was cold and tired and well, I didn't give him anything. I think I heard him say in French, "Madame, you are very cheap!"

Thursday, February 25, 2010


You do know by now why I love this blog so much. Everyday, I get to take a little trip back to Paris and relive so many wonderful memories. I found these photos last night. I smiled as I remembered that afternoon last July when I took these photographs at the Musée Jacquemont-André. This staircase is really just spectacular, don't you agree?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Paris Rouge XVII- The Door

These two make terrific neighbors, don't you think?
le Marais

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

100 French Strangers - Crêpes While You Wait

French Stranger #59

Oh how can I break this to you ......I've never had a crêpe in Paris! I'm so ashamed. I should have had one of his, but as I recall, I'd just polished off un éclair au chocolat et le thé á la maison de mon amie Anne!
rue Mouffetard

For my Birmingham readers I will be teaching another photography class soon
Please visit my website for more details!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Late at night in the Metro, I seem to have more nerve! This one has been hiding in my archives. I'm glad I found it.

At Louis' suggestion, I'm joining the Monochrome Weekend group today.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Paris Bleu IV - Cimetìere Père-Lachaise

This Sunday, some quiet moments at Cimetìere Pere Lachaise

SCREECH!!!! That's me sliding into the 2 Things Challenge at the very last minute. Thanks Eeyore for allowing me to back into the challenge this week! Prize/Door was the the theme this week and he says I qualify. Hey, he's from my neck of the woods. It's not what you know but who you know!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Look Up!

When in Paris, don't forget to look up. Look what you'll miss if you don't!

Friday, February 19, 2010


The very photogenic Musée Carnavalet

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Printemps, un grand magazin

I think this sign is just spectacular. The hat, the dress .....c'est magnifique!

Department stores in Paris are a shopaholic's "fix". I'm not sure if I've ever really purchased anything at Printemps , but I am very content to just wander and look! Today, images of the elegant exterior. Founded in 1865 by Jules Juluzot and designed by Paul Sédille, it now consists of three building and boasts the largest beauty department in the world. Perhaps I should have stopped there for some much needed help and a spritz of my very favorite Chanel No.5 ! Visit their website for everything this wonderful old store has to offer.

Last summer, Peter and I went to the rooftop café and took photographs from there. I thought I had already posted those but apparently not. I will do that very soon!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Read My Hips

Well if you follow either of my blogs, you know how I feel about "tagging" ( a polite name for grafitti ). I think it is a disgrace and is ruining our cities. Case in point, this not so lovely courtyard. Located between the highly respected Musée de l'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and the Palais de Toyko, it features some beautiful sculpture and a commanding view of la Tour Eiffel. This should be one of Paris' premier showplaces. Not so. It's filled with litter, skateboarders use and abuse it on a regular basis, and the sculpture and surrounding areas have been ruined by tagging. Considering how the rest of Paris' public gardens and monuments are kept in pristine condition, it remains a mystery as to why there has not been more attention given to this public venue.

Both photos were taken from windows of the Musée de l'art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. As you can see, la Tour is only a bridge away. The bottom statue appears to have escaped desecration although I can't vouch for the front of her.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Keep Your Eye on the Ball ( Balls)

I have a confession to make. I made this photograph last summer and to my knowledge, I've never really looked at it before last night. I was sifting through my photos ( as I do daily) and ran across it. Given a closer look , I am fascinated that they all have their eyes fixed on the balls. Pétanque, thanks to some of the players I got to know and who kindly shared the rules of the game with me, is a rather intense game, but one enjoyed on a daily basis by many men in Paris. Photographing the pétanque players at Luxembourg Gardens and at the Palais Royal was great fun. If you are lucky enough to visit when the weather is fine, try and find a game or two in the gardens.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


For this Valentine's Day I tried to think of the most romantic photograph that I might have to share with you today. Of course la Tour Eiffel was the first thing to pop into my head. I found this photograph, taken on Bastille Day, that I think is just right for the occasion. She looks like a giant bottle of champagne that has just been opened. Parfait!!

Bonne Saint Valentin!!

And of course some very special music pour toi!

Découvrez la playlist Edith Piaf avec Édith Piaf

Saturday, February 13, 2010

La Neige- Place des Vosges

This week it snowed again in Paris and also right here in Birmingham, so I thought I'd show snow photos on both blogs today. Today the lovely Hôtel de Sully. You can enter the courtyard from a doorway at the Place des Vosges. Built around 1630 it has undergone many renovations and in 2000 became the Centre des Monuments Nationaux.

Friday, February 12, 2010

100 French Strangers - Kiosque a Journaux

French Stranger # 58

I love this photo. Just so you know, after I bought my carnet of metro tickets, I asked this gentlemen if I could take his photograph. He just stood there, so I asked again, he never moved. From the look on his face, you'd think he was looking down the barrel of an Uzi , rather than down the lens of my Canon. Monsieur dire, "Fromage"! Merci!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ici Repose

For my friends Mary and Phil. I hope you like these.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Deux Petites Amies

I was standing outside an art gallery in Montmartre and heard the voices of children laughing and squealing with delight. I'm a teacher, I know the sweet sound of recess! I followed them till I peered over a wall and far below was a schoolyard. The students were just running around having fun with no visible playground equipment. I had to really zoom in but I was able to get a few shots. This one I cropped. J'adore these two amies. I can just hear their sweet, "Bonjours!" Kids are kids, no matter the language, don't you think? Another special Paris moment pour moi.

And for my Francophile friends, if you missed this last Sunday on the Super Bowl, Parisien has it for you. You'll thank me for this one!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Paris Rouge XVI - Didier Ludot

My blog amie Vicki Archer, author of My French Life and French Essence, also has a * blog délicieux for you Francophiles out there. Yesterday she told us all about Chanel's new faux tatoos. Well don't you worry, I'm not going there ( permanent or faux) at my age! She added that perhaps she would forgo them for a trés chic quilted Chanel handbag or bouclé jacket instead. I'm right behind you Vicki, and I know the place. Didier Ludot at the Palais Royal caught my eye EVERY time we strolled past it on the arcade. This is THE place to shop for vintage haute couture. Well take a look for yourself. I'll bet you can still see where I pressed my nose and fingers against the window. What would I buy if I COULD? Well that gorgeous crème gown with the big bow on the back for one. There's much more of course but there's this matter of euros.........

* correction s'il vous plait!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Job Security

Archives Nationales
Hôtel de Sorbise

If you're a Parisian gardener with a lot of pruning experience , I'm thinking you've got some job security. Everywhere you look in Paris, you will find these finely manicured shrubs. And the tree trimming army need not worry about a lay off either!

Jardins des Tuileries

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Closed Due to Snow

As you know by now, I stayed within a few blocks of the Palais Royal on my last visit. The day after we arrived we were blessed with snow. On our way to the Palais Royal Metro stop, we passed Nemours. I have some very nice memories of champagne sipped here last summer. This day, the chairs were tipped and everyone had gone inside to warm up. The trees? Well all along the galleries of the Palais Royal and here as well, fresh green trees with no decorations were still up from Christmas. Perfect for the snow don't you think??

Oh happy day! Our dear Jilly that blogs from Menton AND Monte Carlo everyday is celebrating her Third Blog Birthday. Best wishes for many, many more years of your great photography from your lovely area, Jilly. My wish is that we will meet in person one day soon, and I can see your lovely part of France for myself! And now, it's time for Peter to pop the cork! :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eva's Carrousel

Today a special look back to my very first trip to Paris in March of 2007. I went with my daughter Melissa and my Eva, who was 5 at the time. You've seen some photos of our trip together on previous posts here and here. Today I am sharing two special photos. These were taken at les Jardins des Tuileries on a cold and rather gray day. The gardens were almost deserted, which we've since realized, after our trip this past summer, was a delight we should have appreciated more! Eva rode the carrousel with just one other petite jeune fille. How many little girls have that delightful memory?

Not long ago I sent off a handful of photos that I thought my dear Shell Sherree in Brisbane might use for inspiration for her delightful watercolors. I was most flattered when she interpreted my photos here and here. Imagine my delight when I visited her blog for "Francophile Friday" ( that has moi written all over it!) and found our Eva waving from her "throne"! It made her Mommy and her Mumsie shed a tear or two. Merci beaucoup chère amie for bringing my photographs to life as only you can do!

Friday, February 5, 2010

100 French Strangers Challenge - Les Artistes

French Stranger # 56

Well you know by now, I am often drawn to the artists when I'm roaming around Paris and the French countryside with my camera. The top photo is artist Françoise Daganaud. I met her at Vivienne Art Galerie last summer. Her unusual paintings of African children really appealed to me. Sadly I didn't see her there this past visit.

I met the artist below in a small gallery in Joigny, France. He graciously showed me around his shop. I enjoyed seeing his work, as well as that of his wife.

French Stanger #57

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh Serge!

Well if you stay in Paris long enough you know all about Serge Gainsbourg. I guess we missed the film but maybe I can catch it on DVD later. And as you all know, my French is so great,
translation won't be a problem! :)

I forgot this link to my previous post where I showed his home here.

Today a little Serge pour toi!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Paris Rouge XV - Speedy!

While I abhor the tagging that is ruining many buildings in Paris ( and everywhere else), I do enjoy some of the urban art. Speedy Graphito's work is colorful and graphic. Some of it reminds me of Keith Haring, one of my favorite artists. I found this piece on rue Arbalète, off rue Mouffetard, last summer. This is also the place to see a lot of Jef Aérosol's and Mesnager's street art as well. If you wish to see more examples of these artists, jump on over to Peter's blog here and here. He was nice enough to even furnish me with the links, so I didn't have to wear myself out searching his blog for them. I have no shame!!

You can also see more of Speedy Graphito's street art here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Taken through the window at the Galerie des Gobelins . I fell in love with this rich ochre color with the distressed finish. The snow on the roof and the black accents just set it off. One of those "Paris moments" that made me smile.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis II

I just just love this tiny cobblestoned walkway that leads you to the side entrance of the beautiful * Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis in le Marais. The light dusting of snow that morning made it even more special. I've been inside three times, and I never tire of it.

*For other photos previously posted go here , here here and here !