"Les Deux Magots"
Waiting for Alice!
" A Nice Place for Lunch and a Bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau"
rue de Verneuil
Urban /Art - 2 Things Challenge
Click to see all the other creative takes on this theme!

"Red Scooter"*
St-Germain-de-Pres, one of the oldest churches in Paris
(Thanks to John O. at the Apple Store for showing me this
nifty technique)
Now you're really rubbing it in! Oh Alice, how 'bout we meet up at Les Deux Magots? What fun. And did you have some Beaujolais Nouveau? I love seeing the B&W photos on the walls, bet you had fun looking at them. And a great choice to use the color accent. The many layers of graffiti is amazing. Thanks again for making the effort to share the sights with us!
Very nice set of Quartier Latin photos. Love the red scooter!
And on your NEXT trip to Paris you can visit Serge Gainsbourg's grave and see even more fan ardor - it's in Montparnasse!!! btw-his daughter is one of my favorite actresses - see her in La Bûche, it's a great holiday movie!
I found graffiti to be arty and very photogenic. Nicely enhanced scooter. Just another wonderful collection. The couple walking up the steps finally met then. I know it's not really them but in my head... it continues the story.
Hold the envy, we didn't dine there, just met Alice there! We did have a wonderful dinner at Le 5 Mars in the neighborhood however.
Feel free to fantasize over my photos as much as you like. I sure do!HA
I knew a visit to another cemetary would come up. Maybe we'll go see ole Serge's together? Will I need to buy a can of spray paint? I certainly hope not.
JM, the red scooter was way too fine to pass up parked by that 6th century church!!!!
Virginia, I'm catching up today and loving the tour of places I've seen and some I haven't. I don't know how many pictures you took but I'm sure glad you took 'em!
I rambled around Pere la Chaise on my first visit to Paris in 2002. It can take all day! Monmatre was closed when we reached the top in October just gone but we did find our way to Montparnesse which is just delightful. More sculptured than PLC which is gorgeously wild. Piaf is in PLC whereas De Beauvoir is in Montparnesse.
Salute to the fine color isolation you made on that red scooter. Such a beautiful photo.
Bravo, V!
Ooh you went to Deud Magots! The PDP gang just had drinks there, and I was surprised that the prices weren't higher. I've never seen Gainsbourg's house - wow, what a lot of graffiti! Love the red scooter. Oh to live in Paris and ride around on a scooter like that!
I didn't get to eat or drink at Les Deux Magots the last time I was there. How was it? Was it expensive?
Hope you had a great time with Alice.
As I told JIl, we only met Alice outside and didn't dine in. We did have a wonderful time with Alice at le 5 Mars in the neighborhood. We had a great time together and missed all of you who couldn''t join us.
Julie, Maybe PLC will be on my next trip. If my friend Mary gets to join us we will most definitely go. would love to see your p hotos from there. I didn't feel like my photos were anything special. Maybe I need some of your good ideas.
May I just say that I find graffiti most unappealing normally but for Serge, it seemed to work!
Avec les yeux de 2 étrangers, Peter et vous, je redécouvre la magnifique capitale de mon pays.
Love this one! The red scooter really pops out! You must diulge your secret of this nifty technique!
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