of a bottle of her divine violette parfum or eau de toilette or........something! Last summer Mary G. ( that's her going in the door ) and I ducked in for a little look around. I spritzed myself to a fair the well with the
violette. Mary has another favorite. One day maybe we'll just waltz in there and throw down a lot of euros and buy till our heart's delight. .....or well.. maybe we'll just slip in for more free samples.
It never hurt anyone to dream a little, Virginia...or even a lot. :)
Though I don't enjoy being spritzed without invitation, I love that we can cloud ourselves in free fragrances of our choosing!
I like the refelection that you captured on the glass! Nice photo!
Pixellicious Photos
Such a beautiful shop.
It makes me dream too ;-)
Actually I just noticed the reflection! That's Saint Sulpice getting a face lift in the right window.
Nice boutique
Another glorious window -- thanks Virginia!
The shop looks so inviting—and I'll bet it smells great in there too!
LOVE Musc Nomad .. love love love it .... its MY scent!
Free is always good.
Here's something you might find interesting:
I really love window reflections!!! Great shot V!!!
If the euro keeps going down, your dream may come true........
A wonderful shot of such a chic and gorgeous shop. I love how Goutal perfumes are presented with their small gold ribbons and of course their glorious fragance, very special.
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