These photographs were taken almost exactly a year ago in le
Marais district of Paris. I just love the colors of this "Virginia creeper" and the fallen leaves almost as much as I loved walking the streets and photographing this old and lovely part of Paris.
Oh, I can see why you're in love with this, Virginia. How spectacular! {And don't the colours match your blog font colours nicely.} Ooh, my wv is dapper!
C'est fantastique!J'aime beaucoup tes photos. Salut :)
What a beautiful building! Do you remember in which street is it?
Just a little thing: in French, we would say "Automne dans le Marais" (or "Automne au Marais" but it does not sound great). Sorry, French is so hard...
I was here today with Richard. Tres jolie!
I love the Matais. I don't think they would be called Virginia creepers inn Paris, but there are a lot of them there.
That's what Jilly in Monte Carlo DP called it. Here we call it Boston Ivy. Who knew!
Merci again mon amie. I depend on you to keep me straight. i do try but alas........ Might see me in janvier! I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for you visit and your comments.
Oui they do match!
This is a test note.
Lovely and chilly but welcoming..
Really beautiful photo! Diane
I gasped at the first photo! Lovely.
So beautiful!
It's just too beautiful for words. I love that you love Paris so much, you've made such a difference in my life.
Oh Paula, now don't you make me get all weepy. I do love Paris so, and I love doing this blog so much. It's like a little trip back each day when I pour over my photos and choose one or twofor all of you. I can't bear the thought of running out and having to stop. Well actually I have so many that I can run "marginals" for quite a while. A trip might be in my winter plans. I can't stop. I"m besotted.
I love autumn colors -- both photos are great, but that top one is definitely worthy of some award.
Breathtaking pictures!!
i regret that i did not have enough time to visit all the beautiful places in Paris last year, maybe in 2010.
next time i will get the "documentation" from your blog :D
thanks for the shots, they are very beautiful :)
Ahhh, Parthenocissus vitacea! This was the hardest latin name I had to memorize in 9th grade Biology and I never forgot it because it was so hard to get in my brain in the first place!
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