Monday, April 30, 2012

La Cantine Merci

Merci is one of my favorite shops in Paris, and the lower level is probably the place I head first.  It's full of très chic household and garden items and overlooking the little courtyard, the cantine. ( I've also posted a photo here. )  I think we need to have lunch there one day.

111 Boulevard Beaumarchais
75003 Paris

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Signes du Samedi - le marché

These chalkboard signs with similar script hang from almost all of the food stalls at Paris markets. I love them!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Très chic!

I've been haunting Alexis, near Place des Vosges for years.  His evening wear creations are over the top and I never cease to be amazed at his window.  Today if you look carefully, you can see the designer himself inside. 

And to make the weekend even brighter, hop  on over to my sweet Shell Sherree's blog and see her whimsical illo using one of my Paris photos as her inspiration right here

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Passy après la pluie

Les lys

Today I  join Tapophile Tragics hosted by Julie, here. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paris Rouge - Une autre mitaine rouge

Many of you correctly guessed that the carrousel in yesterday's post was taken at Jardins du Luxembourg.  Today we go back for another look.  Soon after I returned in January, I posted this little fellow and his red mitten here.  Not long after,  I spotted this sweet girl trying to capture the rings with her baton,  her red mitten flying in the wind.  Do you have any idea how many shots it took to caputure this moving target???

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Où est-ce?

Each time I choose a photograph to share with you, it's a little trip back to Paris for me.  I'll admit that in my search I discover many I've never really studied.  Today is one of those. What a smile this brought. I'm sure you know where I took it. Let me hear your guesses and maybe some memories as well.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Une photo de moi!

I first visited E Dehellerin in the summer of 2009.  I met and became instant friends with the gentleman on the right. He'd met some ladies from Birmingham once and when he heard I was from there, he said, "Madame, when I come to Birmingham, what is the first thing I should see?"  My answer...."Moi!"  He loved that and was nice enough to pose outside for photos.  When I returned this last January, I took him the photo.  Here you can see he was proudly showing it to his co-workers.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Camera Guy

The day we all visited Saint - Denis, I spotted this photographer with his sights set on something very HIGH.  We were a little pressed for time,  or I would have walked right up and found out. I might have gotten to look through his lens.  You know how I love a stranger!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Going Up?

I've only ridden this car to the first level of la Tour Eiffel once, on a cold and rainy day in 2007.  It was very crowded and a bit claustrophobic!  Once there, the rain and fencing all around, didn't make for great photos. I've never been up since,  as  I never have been willing to spend valuable time standing in the long lines.  Should I ???

(This photo was taken on one of my many visits to la Tour in fair weather!)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Òu sont les enfants???

As I walked around Tuileries this beautiful sunny morning last January,  I found these ponies waiting patiently for some delighted little riders.  I"m sure they didn't have a long wait.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

La vie en rose

If you've never strolled the small streets of Butte aux Cailles in the 13th arrondissement, you really should put it on your list. It is most charming and many of the homes are more like townhouses with small gated front entrances.  The flowers and vines are climbing over the fences, gates and lanterns with wild abandon.  I posted another lovely doorway here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Le chat du fleuriste

This is what caught my eye in the window.

This is what I found when I opened the door.  The owner even let her go outside for a walk and  to say hello to Mary!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Quelle heure est-il?

You may be surprised to know that this gorgeous clock hangs outside  la poste Louvre and is open almost round the clock.  How fitting.

52 rue du Louvre
Paris 75001

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Paris Rouge - Cimetière de Passy

Cimetière de Passy,  one of my most favorite resting places in Paris, has provided me with many interesting images.  Today, a view through a mausoleum doorway.  All the comforts of home.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


My last day in Paris, while having lunch, I turned around and spotted this lovely bowl of champagne chilled and ready to pop.  Le sigh.......

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Boat Man

Jardins des Tuileries

My blog friend Owen at Magic Lantern Show has a marvelous collection of photographs of this very man and his boats. Go have a look here!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Nobody ever has to remind me to be HAPPY in Paris!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

100 French Strangers- Christian Bassoul

 French Stranger #82

In the early 1900's street musicians would sell sheet music to the people on the streets of Paris and everyone would sing.  Meet Christian Bassoul, the man who has revived that delightful tradition.  One sunny Sunday morning, June 2009,  as we walked down rue Mouffetard on our way to the Jardin des Plantes, we came across a crowd of people having the most wonderful  time singing favorite French songs and dancing with each other and willing spectators.  Since that time, whenever I'm in Paris on a Sunday, you will find me right there.  I wouldn't miss it.  This past January, I took some  prints from previous trips and shared them with some of the singers.  Viviane, who I've photographed many times, spoke some English and was very kind to spend time with me.  Today their leader  and accordianist Christian Bassoul.  You can see Christian in this YouTube video from many years ago here

I have made contact with Viviane and hopefully Christian as well. I will be sharing many more photographs here.  Being able to correspond and share my photographs with them is a special gift for me.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lierre et lanternes

Even in January, Paris is dressed fit to kill!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Perfect Pétanque Weather

Look at that smile!

 I think the only thing that keeps these enthusiastic pétanque players at home might be rain, sleet or snow.  Certainly a cold afternoon in January was not a deterrent! ( I think the spectators are almost as interesting.)

Jardin du Luxembourg bien sûr!

Friday, April 6, 2012

La croix

Cimetière de Saint Denis

My French Life has published my "Reading in Paris" photographs.  I hope you'll visit their great site.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Petite Fille

As you all know by now, every photo I share brings back beautiful memories of Paris.  But today's photograph is bittersweet for me.  As  Mary and I walked along behind the street market that cold January morning, I spotted this little girl with a cup in her hand. My first thought was that she and possibly maman were having a cup of chocolat chaud.  As I snapped my first shot, she heard the click and turned. She gave me this little smile,  and it was then that I realized that she and her mother were there begging for euros. I tear up every time I look at her sweet face.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When You Push Doors...

at the Place des Vosges, you discover wonderful little courtyards with great old bikes leaning against great old walls! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cousines !

Meeps' cousine parisienne

My Meeps here at home wishing she was in Paris
Imagine my surprise when I discovered this Meeps look-alike at the Cimetière des Chiens, paying her respects to dear Lick.  I've known all along that my Meeps was a chat noir parisien at heart and this proves she has French cousins there don't you think?  After I took this shot, I sat down on the gravestone beside her.  I knew better than to touch.

As luck would have it, my friend Peter (Peter's Paris) has just posted a fine blog story about this place and as always the case, he's willing to let me link to it.  Hop on over to his blog and have a look.  Tell him I sent you!

Monday, April 2, 2012


This little courtyard at  le Marché des Enfants Rouges caught my attention.  Even in January, Parisians will venture outside to enjoy lunch whenever possible!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Une vie difficile!

Riding around the Marais in a convertible takes the life of a pampered Parisian pooch to another level!