Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paris Rouge - Une autre mitaine rouge

Many of you correctly guessed that the carrousel in yesterday's post was taken at Jardins du Luxembourg.  Today we go back for another look.  Soon after I returned in January, I posted this little fellow and his red mitten here.  Not long after,  I spotted this sweet girl trying to capture the rings with her baton,  her red mitten flying in the wind.  Do you have any idea how many shots it took to caputure this moving target???


  1. Well, one must suffer (or at least sweat!) in the name of Art after all! It was all worth it, V. This is a wonderful shot! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. I know it is not easy, but you caught her well!

  3. You did well! Sweet photo...I wish my boy was little again!

  4. Great job! Every time I try to capture a moving target it looks like a big blur! This photo takes me back to my childhood days when I use to ride the carousel. The sheer joy of selecting just the right horse was difficult because I loved them all!!

  5. J'aime Paris aussi!

    Tes images sont merveilleuses!


  6. It was a gorgeous day in Paris, cold but sunny! I love the composition of this shot, V, which tells the whole story. You can see our focal girl in rouge (bien sûr), the "ring master" doing his job against the green building, the old wooden horses, and great light contrasts - love it!

  7. Very sweet! Love all the carousels in Paris.

  8. It was totally worth the effort, my dear! (Love that digital.) And what I love about this carrousel—aside from the adorable and highly photogenic gosses—is that the horses are so well-worn and well-loved.

  9. Ah, sweet capture. I can't wait til my granddaughter is old enough to ride a carousel with me!

  10. Wonderful photo! Your adorable, colorful subject and the beautiful picture itself. Your effort definitely paid off! :)

  11. Hey, it's Jeudi, V de B! Depeche toi mon amie!
    I'm off on another voyage soon - hoping to see another CDP blogger.....

  12. all that matters is that you did catch it .. brava!

  13. Oh! mais le petit chaperon rouge est par ici!! Il va peut-être semer des petits cailloux blancs pour retrouver le chemin de sa maison...
    Belle photo.
    Gros bisous

  14. Beautiful light in this shot Virginia, looks like a cold, crisp but sunny day. Oh how lovely to be in Paris on such a day!


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