Friday, April 6, 2012

La croix

Cimetière de Saint Denis

My French Life has published my "Reading in Paris" photographs.  I hope you'll visit their great site.


  1. Great shot Virginia......well done.

    Wish you a happy Easter.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  2. Another very atmospheric image Virginia and parfait for Pasques. Just looked at your photographs "Reading in Paris" and they are delightful...a set, framed for a reading room, would look wonderful.

  3. Wonderful image!I will check the link, thanks for sharing!

  4. A perfect photo posting for today, Good Friday, V de B!
    I'm participating in a Crosswalk at 10 am today...
    Happy Easter to you and yours

  5. A glorious cross for Good Friday and a wonderful memory of that cold January day with you, Owen, la Grenouille, Peter and Holly!

  6. You do seem to spend a lot of time in cemeteries.

  7. A great image. I have spent days walking through French cemeteries and particularly love those in Paris.
    Have a safe and happy Easter.

  8. Alain, enfin oui!!!

    Starman, I'm so glad to find you here again and hopefully feeling much better my friend.

    Leif, look forward to your photos from the cross walk in Eagan.

  9. for some reason it reminded of the moment on La Vie en Rose when she asks for her croix :)

  10. Love every single one of the 'reading' images, it's such a wonderful way to spend 5, 10 or many more spare minutes. Can you recommend any fiction books set in Paris and written in English Virginia. It's been a while since I've read a French tale!!


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