Friday, April 13, 2012

The Boat Man

Jardins des Tuileries

My blog friend Owen at Magic Lantern Show has a marvelous collection of photographs of this very man and his boats. Go have a look here!


  1. What magnificent boats. If I was a boating woman, I'd be dreaming of how to get one of these home in the hand luggage. Have a beautiful Friday, dear V! Hugs to you and Meepsie.

  2. He seems to be reading too! Lovely boats...and an interesting cart...

    Have a nice weekend...Janey

  3. Great photo - love the colors. At the same time, I'm wondering if artisans such as this must secure permits to sell their wares in public places in Paris....very controlled here in Charleston, SC.

  4. Great shot, V. My son loves renting those wooden boats whenever we stop by Les Tuileries. He is 12 now so I fear the day will come soon when he does not ask to engage in this Parisian ritual anymore! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. Cool boats! Wouldn't one of these be pretty sitting on a table with a beach theme or even without! I love the colors. Great snap!

  6. I know this guy—if I rented one of his boats, I'd choose an old one with lovingly patched sails.

  7. Not sure if you might have seen this post from back in December, as you were over here at the time...

  8. Une incitation aux voyages que ces charmants bateaux...
    Une très jolie photo.
    Gros bisous.

  9. The little boy (ahem, as opposed to little vache) in «Louis» would like to rent a boat from this man and float it in one of the ponds at Jardins des Tuileries.

  10. What great fun! Will definitely have to do sometime. (when i get to Paris.) :) I want the one with the bright orange sails.

  11. One of my very favorite places to sit and people watch in Paris, loved the sailing boats, your friend Owen certainly has a magnificent series of images Virginia.

  12. One of the most popular attractions of Paris city is floating boats from my point of view, well lovely snap, keep it up.

    paris croisiere


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