Friday, April 20, 2012

Going Up?

I've only ridden this car to the first level of la Tour Eiffel once, on a cold and rainy day in 2007.  It was very crowded and a bit claustrophobic!  Once there, the rain and fencing all around, didn't make for great photos. I've never been up since,  as  I never have been willing to spend valuable time standing in the long lines.  Should I ???

(This photo was taken on one of my many visits to la Tour in fair weather!)


  1. Oh gosh, V, I loved it up there. I even loved the crowded tram ride. I believe it's on the top level where there's an odd and dusty (if it's still there) diorama of M. Eiffel working on the plans for his tower. And of course you can't beat the views.

  2. The lines are a killer, but I'd say the view/experience is worth it. My favorite thing to do with Junior was to climb the stairs to the second floor. It is not as hard as it sounds if you do it slowly: no lines there, and you get a workout! Once on the second floor, you can still catch a ride to the 3rd on a pretty day. If not, forget about it. I always preferred to take shots from the 2nd floor anyway... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Or go up at night for a completely different perspective!

  4. It was the most touristy thing I did in Paris, but absolutely worth it. I surprised myself by how elated I felt up the tower and with so many other excited people.

    I pre-booked tickets so our lines were much shorter, and we were there in October which is apparently less busy as well. If I could do it again I'd have dinner at Le Jules Verne.

  5. We always suggest that visitors take the (free and no waiting) elevator up to the bar/restaurant (Ciel de Paris) of the Tour Montparnasse. You have a view of all of Paris, including the Tour Eiffel, for the price of a drink.

  6. I have an admission V. I have been two Paris twice and each time been limited to only three days. So much to see and so little time. I visited the Eiffel Tower, admired it from the ground but sadly could not spend my tourist time in the queue so never made it to the top. May be next time. J.

  7. Very interesting angle in this picture!

  8. Hi Virginia
    Well I can appreciate the dilemma. I didn't go up on my trip last year.. for the same reason.. the lines.. sort of regret it.. I have been up before many many moons ago.. but I think if i were to get back again.. I would certainly make the effort,,

    Thanks for popping in and thanks for entering the giveaway,, I've been such a slacker at visiting ppl and blogging in general so appreciate the visits,,

    Ps Love the carousel shot last post.

    ciao ciao xxx Julie

  9. The waiting lines are much shorter at 3 am, V de B!
    bon weekend

  10. I know I would .. and I dont even like heights

  11. I have never gone up the Eiffel Tower--I have walked up the steps to the roof of L'Arc de Triomphe twice, however. My husband and I accomplished this feat two years in a row because of a technical glitch downloading photos from the first visit. I don't plan to go up the Eiffel Tower (or Triomphe) this October either!

  12. Oh yes, do. I was there in February and it was snowing. We ate in the restaurant and had such fun being tourists! Don't miss it.

  13. Millions of people can't be all that wrong. Lines are a problem, but it's a crowded planet, and some views are worth it.

  14. You are so brave! I have such a fear of heights I don't think I could do it!

    I don't believe I have ever seen so much metal in one place before! Very cool shot!

  15. I cant forget in 2003 my first time in Paris. The lines for the late night last lift were not so killing and we were on the second level when those marvelous throbbing lights streamed upon us like the sparkling shooting stars, myriads, and looking up I felt like in a stardust stream. Magic !

  16. Book a reservation for lunch at the first-level restaurant and you get to skip the line (I've done it twice and gotten a fab seat overlooking the Trocadero—and a pretty good meal—both times). I also like Unknown's idea—and the best part of going up in the hideous Tour Montparnasse is that if you're in it you can't see it!
    I love this uncommon view of the ET, V!

  17. Fabulous shot!! I think you know my opinion about going up. The photos you can get up there on a clear day would be sublime.

  18. I love hearing all your great suggestions. Since I"ve climbed to the dome of the Sacre Coeur to see the view, maybe I'm happy with that. I promise if I get back to Paris and the lines aren't too long, I'll go up again and who knows what I'll find!

  19. I'll have to let you know in case we go up next week while in Paris.

  20. Looks a bit scary to me!
    On yesterday's post...did you ride the carrousel??

  21. Virginia it it SO worth it. I am with you when it comes to lines. But waiting in line at the Eiffel Tower changed my mind on this forever. When I did it with my daughter in 2005 we were queuing, snaking around in the line and I did what I always do - people watch - suddenly I saw three very tall, very blonde, very gorgeous teenage girls in the line behind us. They just had to be Australians and had to be dancers. Some time later I heard a voice say: "Frannie, fancy meeting you here". I turned to face an old work colleague from Sydney - a film director who was with these three Aussie dancers, documenting their first year at the Moulin Rouge. We had a great time chatting and catching up and the line seemed to move faster. AND the view was absolutely worth the wait. Just do it - you never know who you might meet on the way! F x

  22. must go you can purchase the ticket early and not stand for 2 hours in the first line. Only way to go. I've never missed going up in the dozen plus times I've been in Paris. And..on my first trip in 1992...I slipped on the we always ride the elevator...fell..broke my arm and spent 2 days in hospital getting the story goes I fell off the Eiffel Tower! I will go again at end of May when we return after driving tour before going home we have 5 more nights in Paris...already have my ticket! LOL...Martha

  23. wish I had known you and read your readers comments before I spent the day standing there in line with my youngest son a few years ago...
    worth the wait tho but a I was a little shaky.. was is the view, the height, the wind or the long wait ??

  24. Martha, now that's a tip we can all use. I suppose I really should give it another go and if I don't have to queue up for hours, it is definitely worth it!

  25. It's so worth it Virginia, and that's coming from the biggest scaredy cat in the world! I can't wait to see your pictures fro up above!!

  26. I've never made the journey up into La Tour either! But then I've only been to Paris twice!!! I think it's a must do!!!

  27. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are usually the quietest times! When I lived in Paris I spent many hours showing our visitors the sights and of course a trip to the top of the Eiffel Tower was always first on their list! - It is worth it!!



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