Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Paris Rouge LVI - Monsieur en blanc et rouge

Oui,  of course you have met this marvelous man before, right here.  On another Sunday trip to rue Mouffetard, he appeared in yet another dashing outfit.  The "Parisian Photography Gods" were smiling on me again!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ma Petite Cour

Humor me.  This time last year, I was in my lovely little flat in the Marais. I found this photograh that I took from my kitchen window one morning.  Wonderful memories of a special time in Paris.

Note: I understand the temps in Paris are more like Alabama weather right now. I'm thankful I'm not experiencing this with the tiny fan and windows in this apartement. This Alabama girl would need some real AC for the heat.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Le petit garçon dans la fenêtre

He was having so much fun he ddn't notice the crazy American photographer snapping away!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

M is for .....

well you know! 

(My Paris amie Mary Gilbert is here visiting from Cincinnati. She had this photo made into her iPhone case. How fun is that!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Paris Rouge LV - The Dancer

It's no secret that one of my most favorite "finds" in Paris are the dancers that gather every Sunday on rue Mouffetard. This lady's hair is of course one of my favorite  Paris Rouge "finds"!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fête de la Musique - Un jour de retard

Last June, I was lucky enough to be in Paris for the June 20th Fête de la Musique. All of Paris is alive with the sound of music on every corner. That evening, after hearing a beautiful conert at the Madeline Church, I came up from the Saint Paul Mètro to the deafening, pounding beat of drums. As I approached the Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, I found this talented drum corps.  I managed to elbow my way right up beside them for photos. A wonderful night in Paris.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paris Jaune III - The Naked Lunch

Imagine my delight when I spotted this very table and chairs in Woody Allen's  Midnight in Paris!  I had just selected this photo, taken in front of Shakespeare and Company,  for a blog post.  On closer inspection I thought the book choice in the window rather amusing as well.

Monday, June 20, 2011

La dame dans la fenêtre

Jardin des Plantes

It was the vine covered building with the weathered shutters and bicycles that caught my eye.  The lady in the window was discovered later.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Nothing says welcome like a 'carpet' of rose petals.  This lovely little flower shop makes it very hard to resist stepping inside!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Paris Jaunes V - Les 3 Etoiles du Marais

Of course I love all things rouge in Paris, but  I also enjoy seeking out the other colors in the city j'adore!
Aujourd' hui .....jaunes.

21 bis rue de Rivoli
75004 Paris
4 ème arr.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying Françoise Hardy's music. I hope it is a pleasant addition to my blog.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Minuit à Paris

I missed a golden opportunity to use this title on Wednesday, but as luck would have it, I have another night shot.  Last night I FINALLY saw Wood Allen's Midnight in Paris , so of course this made the perfect post.  Did I love it?  Absolutement!   The story line is fun but the scenes of Paris are worth the price of admission.  I told my friends that the plot was the apéritif, but the Paris footage was the entrée and the dessert! I'm feeling a bit nostalgic tonight, the movie just made me miss Paris even more.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Paris Rouge LIV - L'imperméable rouge

Field trip down rue Mouffetard one drizzly morning.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Géraniums dans la fenêtre

View from our wonderful apartment on rue Berthollet, June 2009.  Eva kept the flowers watered for us. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Trop de Choix

When in Paris, have them all! 

The kitchen in our Paris flat, June 2009

L-R:  Baguette, Eva and Davis' favorite escargot au chocolat, pain au chocolat and brie of course.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Une réunion d'amis dans les jardins

Friends gather for wine and conversation on a late summer afternoon at the Palais Royal.  I think this might be one of my many favorite Paris memories.
 (I so wanted to join them!)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bleu in Paris VI - Les Portes

Some nice doors that I just discovered from my June 2009 trip. Deux bleus I think.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dimanche sur le quai

Normally I would have chosen black and white, but for some reason the pops of color made it more interesting for me. Your opinion?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lost in Thought - The Antiques Dealer

This interesting lady was sitting in her booth at the Saint Sulpice Faire aux Anitquaires.

For my Birmingham readers, I am now offering "From Snapshots to Photographs", a five weekly 2 hour classes designed for the amateur photographer who wants to take more creative photographs. Working know ledge of your digital camera is the only requirement. Contact me for more details!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Le Ciel Bleu sur la Tour Eiffel

I realize that Paris could use some much needed rain right now, but you'll have to excuse my enthusiasm for a day when la tour is bathed in sunshine against a gorgeous blue sky. It doesn't happen all that often when I'm there. ( Yes, I know if I went at better times of the year my chances would improve!)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Paris Rouge LIII - Les Fraises

Well I have my new book, Paris Rouge finished and look what I missed! Perhaps the sequel is already in the making!  The patisserie windows in Paris are a feast for the eyes, don't you agree?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Looking Up - Galerie Vivienne

In January 2010, we stayed in a flat right across the street from Galerie Vivienne. This beautifully restored 19th century covered passage was hard to resist and we stopped in several times.  We had champagne at the little cafe there on our last night.  I especially like the glass roof and the wonderful lanterns.

Galerie Vivienne
6 rue Vivienne
Paris 75002
Mètro: Bourse or Palais Royal

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer in the City

Paris in the summer boasts some very nice weather.  It's perfect for sitting outside at the cafes and parks.   We found it much cooler than we expected.  What we didn't bargain for were the huge crowds everywhere we went.  This photograph is a good example. The bateaux is packed to the gills and the bridge is full of pedestrians as well.  I can't even describe the sea of humanity pouring through Tuileries to the Champs Élysées.  I guess it's a trade off of sorts. What is your favorite season in Paris?