Friday, June 17, 2011

Paris Jaunes V - Les 3 Etoiles du Marais

Of course I love all things rouge in Paris, but  I also enjoy seeking out the other colors in the city j'adore!
Aujourd' hui .....jaunes.

21 bis rue de Rivoli
75004 Paris
4 ème arr.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying Françoise Hardy's music. I hope it is a pleasant addition to my blog.


  1. I want to go shopping to Paris today - well everyday actually. x

  2. How is it possible that this shop never caught my eyes although I have been shopping on Rue de Rivoli a zillion times???

  3. I like your color themes! This is quite a lovely, ol' door!

  4. This is a beautiful colour Virginia - sort of golden and rich - I can't quite put a name to it.

  5. So much fun to look at your pictures from your life in Paris! Thks.

  6. Yellow is such a happy, welcoming colour, that door is just softly saying 'entree s'il vous plait' gorgeous picture Virginia.

  7. The musi is a treat. I cant hear it on my ipad but i can on my hubby's laptop.
    Seeing s much of this joyous colour in Provence.
    YELLOW!!! x

  8. Virginia, I have your blog on, listening to Françoise Hardy, and I am also looking at Pete's pond in Botswana at the same time.
    How cool is that?

  9. Love it. At the risk of dating myself...I would call it harvest gold!

  10. Janey, HA!!!! I'm calling it moutarde, but not the Dijon variety, the French's that we use here in the US!

  11. Passed it a few times. Never entered.

  12. All your colors in Paris are gorgeous, V! When I showed this place last month and you said you'd shot it too, I wondered when I'd get to see your version. You show me yours and . . . :~}

  13. Ooooh, love the golden yellow of this shot. Makes me want to peek inside. You'll have to take me there the next time you, Mary and Genie are with me in Paris! Bon weekend my friend!

  14. It is wonderful, my friend. I am open to a whole rainbow of colors.


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