Sunday, June 19, 2011

La porte ouverte


  1. At first glance I thought "I don't know if I'd come in" and now reading the caption below... Well, today certainly not. :)
    God bless you!

  2. What lies behind looks interesting Virginia, is that a lead light wall I espy?

  3. Fantastic, silvery doors! One's I'd never find in a cemetery over here! I'm still up on a Parisian cloud this morning after seeing the "Midnight in Paris" movie last night!

  4. These doors are beautiful and look very art deco... As much as I love cemeteries I cannot believe that I have not yet been to Passy. Next trip for sure!

  5. This is gorgeous. And I love the peek inside. Like Genie, can't believe I haven't been there yet!

  6. Beautiful metal work there, can see why you wanted to immortalize it... looks like it's drying off after a rain ?

  7. This typifies what I love about Paris. Every detail is considered. Nothing is forgotten by art and design. Every stairway, every door, every window ledge is made beautiful.

  8. Thank you my dear friends. I think this is my favorite Paris resting places. It's small and it overlooks our la Tour EIffel. What could be a better place to rest?

  9. Love the way you have framed this. Must put this on my list for my next visit.

  10. I see many of you have not been here. I thank Mary and Peter for this visit. I think it's my favorite because of the size and the fabulous view. It is so close to la Tour. May I rest my head here........or maybe ashes. I'd love that.

  11. Beautiful image today, Virginia. Partly welcoming, because it is ajar and beautiful, but partially forbidding because almost closed. I like the ambiguity of the shot.

  12. So exquisite, Virginia. And though cemeteries scare the heck out of me, I'll make an exception for this one, together with Père Lachaise.

  13. Love these doors! Virginia, you have really given us a marvelous view of Passy. Must visit there next time!


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