Monday, May 21, 2012

L'artiste - Jef Aérosol

When I shot this a few years ago, I didn't even realize that Jef Aérosol loves les chats noirs!  Even more reason to like his fun stenciled art around Paris.


Dianne said...

He depicts the characters of Paris well Virginia - les chats noirs and that cute liitle souris noir in the corner.

Unknown said...

Oh how magical - what a find! Have a good week.

F xx

Malyss said...

In his way, he's very poetic!

Cezar and Léia said...

J'adore l'ambiance, cette atmosphère...on dirait un film d'action ou d'aventure!

My name is Riet said...

What a great artist. LOve that door and wall.

This is Belgium said...

this is what I call graffiti with a capital G
bonne journée

Kate said...

This is both whimsical and sweet. Joyful, too!

PeterParis said...

... and I have even Jef Aérosol on one of my walls at home! No cats though!

Joe said...

Marvelous and delightful. Thanks for bringing it to us V.

Virginia said...

Peter, and if memory serves, you got friendly with some of the stencil guys near our apartment didn't you?

Anonymous said...

I adore this! Great art!

French Girl in Seattle said...

I've never heard of this guy, but I like his art! Black kitties? Yes, please. I will keep my eyes out for his work when I return. Bonne semaine, V. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Unknown said...

I love this ;-)
It's just perfect...have a lovely week, Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Gives me an idea for the front of my house...

Ingrid said...

Moi aussi j'aime les chats noirs, la peinture est très bien réussie !

Daryl said...

fun .. I love all these Banksy wannabes

Alexa said...

As much as I hate the no-talent "taggers" who need to scribble on everything, I love Cletus Abraham and Jef Aerosol and the other graffiti artists who decorate the city with their witty works of art. Nice capture, V! (Love your weekend shots too. I was Internetless for a couple of days—aaargh)

martinealison said...

J'aime beaucoup... Un bel hommage d'une grande photographe à ce talentueux artiste.
Gros bisous

Starman said...

He's becoming internationally famous.

Vreni said...

Did you see the huge graffito Jeff Aerosol did right next to the Stravinsky Fountain?