Friday, September 23, 2011

Name This Door

I figure it won't take two seconds for one of you to name this door, but I thought it might be fun to see.
This time I"m not putting the answer in the tags at the bottom like the last contest! Here we go!


French Girl in Seattle said...

To guess or not to guess, that is the question... Je ne sais pas... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Anonymous said...

Notre Dame?

Palomasea said...

Mais oui, c'est Notre Dame je crois?

You have a beautiful blog!

Bonne Journee,

Glamour Drops said...

Well I am lost and stumped. I do not know! But they are amazing. Exquisite detail.

Unknown said...

Can't figure it out but the image is excelent. :)

Paris Paul said...

Hmm, name the door? Ok, I'll name it "Fred"! lol

Honestly, I have no idea where this wonderful shot was taken, but I'll take a guess and say the Sacre Coeur.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nooooooooo! now that's both yourself and Genie who have me put me in a quandary!!! Is it Notre Dame Virginia??

Shell Sherree said...

I don't know but gosh, it's stunning!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dear, I have no idea! BUT IT IS SPLENDID!!!! Anita

Anonymous said...

I agree Sacre Coeur! It was not as well lighted when I last saw it.
Nice photo.

Great site!

Aesop in Indiana

Daryl said...

Not a clue

Virginia said...

I'll divulge the answer this evening. Happy guessing!:)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

If there is a big prize...

Large doors of Notre Dame

VP said...

Notre-Dame de Paris. This is the Sanctuary ring on a door of the portal of the Virgin.
During the Middle Ages, grasping this ring on a church door gave the right of asylum.

Karl said...

Beautiful artistic door!

Alexa said...

It is most definitely Notre Dame. And it is also most definitely gorgeous! Thanks, V --

Jack said...

I can name it: "Marvelous" and "Amazing."

Cildemer said...

Wonderful shot of a marvellous door!
Would have called it Mr Cat;o)
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy weekend****

Virginia said...

Anonymous and Irina were the first to correctly guess Notre Dame. And again VP with Livorno DP has added some interesting information about these doors.
Thank you all for joining the puzzle today!

Tomorrow, I'm taking some friends up on a dare. This blog will sail off in the opposite direction from church doors. Wheeeee!

jennyfreckles said...

Well, I didn't know, but it was interesting reading the comments on this amazing door. I will remember the sanctuary ring info - must apply to other famous churches too, I imagine.

Leif Hagen said...

Voila, le porte de Notre Dame! Scrumptious details on that door!
Can't wait for the dare tomorrow..... hmmmmm.

Julie said...

I knew the door, but couldn't get over you putting answers in labels. You are a treasure!!

Maya said...

VP wins this one with all that good info as far as I'm concerned!

Malyss said...

Arriving late, it's easy now to say Notre-dame..:o)But it's one of the most famous and beautyful doors of Paris.

The Armchair Parisian said...

I don't even have to skim the comments above to know everybody likely beat me to this one ~ Notre Dame. I have virtually the same photograph :-) LOVE that door! Interesting tidbit, VP, Merci.

Kirsten Steen said...

Loved learning a little something about those gorgeous doors of Notre Dame! Must learn more.