Sunday, September 18, 2011

Les vélos et la porte

Paris in one photograph, n'est-ce pas?


Anonymous said...

Wine and a baguette in the basket would have completed the picture ;-)

French Girl in Seattle said...

All you are missing is a cafe table and chair, otherwise, I agree, great shot. Definitely Paris. Bon weekend! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Cezar and Léia said...

Such a romantic picture!It's very Paris! :)

Alexa said...

Ah, oui—you got it in one!

Anonymous said...

lovely view.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Absolutely Virginia, shabby chic, les bicycles and all in B&W..parfait! I bet that door was either blue or red!!

this is Belgium said...

just love ...; that simple

Virginia said...

I'd prefer a bottle of champagne with that baguette! :)

Yes it was BLEU!

Belgium, your husband is probably not all that happy today after our ballgame yesterday. Quelle dommage!!!

Veronique, yes it is missing a few details, you are so right.

Léla, Merci!

Alexa, I knew you would love it. I think we think alike.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Yes, I am betting that the door was bleu. Best in b/w though!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OUI! Oh how Paris is such an iconic place of such simple beauty, and you capture the spirit of it sweet Virginie! THANK YOU for liking la petite et son chien!!! BON DIMANCHE! Anita

Gattina said...

Très belle photo avec une certaine atmosphère. I live in Waterloo/Brussels !

Starman said...

les vélos

Jack said...

Door . . . bicycle . . . where is the wine glass?

Virginia said...

Starman, my editor, is always on the ball and I need that. He's right, there are deux vélos!

Leif Hagen said...

J'aime bien les velos et la porte!
N'oubliez pas que demain est la "portes de lundi" meme!

Julie said...

How many photos do you think you take in Paris per visit? I thought I was tragic, but you m'dear are tragiquer!!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Virginia
Sorry I haven't popped in earlier. as you know i was busy.. in Italy and France. hehe

Well.. I'm enjoying your shots.. I took some quite similar ones around the Eiffel Tower. and know exactly what you mean by the annoying hawkers.. One I pointed my finger at and said "don't think about it!!' hehe it worked.. but mostly I did what you said and pointed my camera at them.. especially those that kept lingering behind me.. got rid of them quick smart!!

Thanks for popping in.. hope to see you again.. ciao xxx Julie

OH.. and too bad I am not there in Oct for your class!!

Witness said...

Aah so nice!

VenetiaMicio said...

Pour moi qui suis Parisienne, c'est cela Paris ! Bravo, bien vu Virginia!