This Sunday, some quiet moments at Cimetìere Pere Lachaise
SCREECH!!!! That's me sliding into the 2 Things Challenge at the very last minute. Thanks Eeyore for allowing me to back into the challenge this week! Prize/Door was the the theme this week and he says I qualify. Hey, he's from my neck of the woods. It's not what you know but who you know!
This shot is amazing, Virginia (that blue!). We were in Paris for my daughter Lila's 18th birthday (in 1997) and her b-day request was to spend the day here. She was only ready to leave many hours and quite a few of rolls of film later (I got some good shots too).
What is it about doors and windows?! This photo's a beauty, Virginia, and this cemetery seems such a treasured favourite amongst so many...
«Louis» regrets that in all his trips to Paris and that in the time he lived there, he never visited this storied cimetière, so he appreciates your giving him a glimpse of what he missed.
Oh, I could look at this for a long time.
Looks like it could used a good spring cleaning.
How is it that these centuries old buildings look so fabulous??? Here in the states, when a building hits 50, it looks pretty awful...could it be the fabulous old architecture and attention to detail back in the really, really olden days???? Our new "modern" architecture looks c***** fairly quickly!!! And this will look for fabulous for centuries to come!!!
Looks like a prize door to me. Tell me I can and it'll be entered in the 2 Things Challenge. I started to do it without asking.
Of course you may. Do I remember how to do it? I'm not sure. HELP! I didn't enter cause I couldn't pull PRIZE out of my hat! HA
Oh I would love to have these doors on my house. Or maybe just leaning against the wall in a future garden. The blue is gorgeous, and the texture - oof. I bet these doors have lots of stories to tell.
This door has a personality all its own. I love the blue it brightens the stark grey tones. Also is that green on the ledges... moss or bird poop? Don't laugh... it caught my eye.
that's a prized door!
You hear my heart thumping? You qualify because that's a door and this photo deserves a prize.
Sheila, it is the most fabulous moss that they can only grow in Paris! HA Seriously, I can't get enough of it. It's growing all over the cemeteries.
I"m lame here I know.
Thump thump, me too. It's a wonderful place. I'm getting more comfortable photographing the lovely cimetìeres of Paris now. Mon amie Mary has helped me appreciate them and feel less like an intruder.
This is the perfect prize for this challenge!
I better stop here as this colour/image is wonderful too! Would love to see that blue up close.
Jeanne :)
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