I think this sign is just spectacular. The hat, the dress .....c'est magnifique!
Department stores in Paris are a shopaholic's "fix". I'm not sure if I've ever really purchased anything at
Printemps , but I am very content to just wander and look! Today, images of the elegant exterior. Founded in 1865 by Jules Juluzot and designed by Paul Sédille, it now consists of three building and boasts the largest beauty department in the world. Perhaps I should have stopped there for some much needed help and a spritz of my very favorite Chanel No.5 ! Visit their website for everything this wonderful old store has to offer.
Last summer, Peter and I went to the rooftop café and took photographs from there. I thought I had already posted those but apparently not. I will do that very soon!
«Louis» likes the logos on the cupolas.
What «Louis» REALLY likes on Boulevard Haussman next to Printemps is the food department in Galeries Lafayette. When one sees that, one realizes how important food is to the French. They really do food right in that store.
Much too fabulous for my heart. Oh!
Oui, c'est un très beau magaSin ;-))
Oh! Stupendously gorgeous, Virginia!!
It was closed for renovation the last time I was there. :-( So I went across the river to Bon Marche.
Did you guy anything?
You're definitely getting me in the mood pour mon voyage!
Lovely. That model is Raquel Zimmerman -- she's one of my favorites. Such a classic beauty, but also a real chameleon. Like Paris herself.
Fellow fans, dear Virginia has graciously lent me some space to ask a favor -- I'm planning my trip to Paris in late May and need recommendations for apartment rentals. I'm working on a pretty strict budget and will only need a place for a few nights, I think. You can contact me by clicking my link or e-mail me at shine @ austin dot rr dot com. Mille mercis!!!
The buildings of Paris continually amaze me. This is just wonderful!
What a wonderful perspective, V!
I've been to Printemps several times but never found anything I liked at a reasonable price.
You did an amazing job cropping that photo. Love the glitter of the mosaic name...
My daughter bought an exquisite hat at Printemps several years ago, and I had to cry to get the large hatbox on the plane headed home. It has been worn by both daughters (and me), most recently shipped via UPS at great cost to be worn to a Mardi Gras reception. My daughter's splurge has been enjoyed many times over, always with the memory of the incredible Printemps.
Beautiful pictures as always!
very near in LA
Sometimes I spend a lot of money at Printemps other time it is the Galleries Lafayette, but I always go to the roof top of Printemps to eat a their cafeteria. The views are magnificent and the food decent.
Thank you everyone. I know that Printemps is a very special place for you all. I think it just a beautiful place to photograph. For me it is so very, very "Paris":) More photos from the rooftop soon.
What a heavenly place to spend money. And the view!
Next time, you have to photograph the newly refurbished domes, shining in gold! :-)
This is a nice and excellet magazin collections which give the entertainment and funniest way for enjoyment and knowledge.
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